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Prof. Justus Simiyu

Associate Professor of Physics, Director of Research & Innovation

Publications in refereed journals

  • Simiyu, B.O. Aduda, J.M. Mwabora, G. Boschloo, A. Hagfeldt, Effect of Film Thickness on Electron Transport and Lifetimes in TiO2 Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Fabricated by Screen-Printing Technique (under review – Tanzania Journal of Science)
  • Robinson Ndegwa, Elijah Ayieta, Justus Simiyu, and Nicodemus Abungu. A Simplified Method for Parameter Determination of a PV Module using Manufacturer’s data (Submited to Africa Journal of Physical Science)
  • Nicholas Musila, Mathew Munji, Justus Simiyu, Eric Masika, Raphael Nyenge, Miriam Kineene, Characteristics of TiO2 Compact Layer prepared for DSSC application, Traektoriâ Nauki = Path of Science. 2018. Vol. 4, No 10
  • Nicholas Musila, Mathew Munji, Justus Simiyu, Eric Masika, Raphael Nyenge, Effect of TiO2 Compact Layer on DSSC Performance, Traektoriâ Nauki = Path of Science. 2018. Vol. 4, No 9
  • Nicholas Musila, Mathew Munji, Justus Simiyu, Eric Masika, Raphael Nyenge, Optical Properties and Analysis of OJL Model’s Electronic inter-band Transition Parameters of TiO2 Films, Traektoriâ Nauki = Path of Science. 2018. Vol. 4, No 7
  • Justine Sageka, Sebastian Waita, Justus Simiyu,Silas Mureramanzi, Bernard Aduda, Structural and Optical Properties of Phosphorous and Antimony doped ZnO thin films Deposited by Spray Pyrolysis: A Comparative Study, IARJSET Volume 4, Issue 11, November 2017,  DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2017.41121
  • Ignatius Nakhoywa Barasa, Justus Simiyu, Sebastian Waita, Denis Wekesa, Bernard Aduda.  Automobile Battery Monitoring System using Arduino Uno R3 Microcontroller Board, The International Journal Of Science & Technoledge, Vol 5 Issue 6 June, 2017
  • Henry Barasa Wafula, Robinson Juma Musembi, Albert Owino Juma,Patrick Tonui, Justus Simiyu, Thomas Sakwa, Deo Prakash, Verma. Compositional analysis and optical properties of Co doped TiO2 thin films fabricated by spray pyrolysis method for dielectric and photocatalytic applications, Optik – International Journal for Light and Electron OpticsVolume 128, January 2017, Pages 212-217
  • Domtau,J. Simiyu, E.O. Ayieta, B. Muthoka, L.O. Nyakiti and J.M. Mwabora. Effects of Film Thickness and Electrolyte Concentration on the Photovoltaic Performance of TiO2 Thin Films. Surface Reviews and Letters, 24, 5(2016) doi: 10.1142/S0218625X17500652.
  • Dinfa Luka Domtau, Justus Simiyu,Elijah Omollo Ayieta, Godwin Mwebaze Asiimwe, and Julius Mwakondo Mwabora, “Influence of Pore Size on the Optical and Electrical Properties of Screen Printed TiO2 Thin Films,”Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2016, Article ID 7515802, 7 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/7515802.
  • Domtau, J. Simiyu,E.O. Ayieta, B. Muthoka, J. M. Mwabora. Optical and Electrical Properties Dependence on Thickness of Screen-Printed TiO2 Thin Films. Journal of Materials Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 4, No. 1, 2016, pp 1
  • Henry Wafula, Albert Juma, Thomas Sakwa, Robinson Musembi, Justus Simiyu, (2016), A Surface photovoltage study of surface defects on Co doped TiO2 thin films fabricated by spray pyrolysis, Coatings, (2016)6 30.
  • Jinbao Zhang, Meysam Pazoki, Justus Simiyu, Malin B. Johansson, Ocean Cheung, Leif Häggman, Erik M. J. Johansson, Nick Vlachopoulos, Anders Hagfeldt and Geritt Boschloo The effect of mesoporous TiO2 pore size on the performance of solid-state dye sensitized solar cells based on photoelectrochemically polymerized Poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) hole conductor, Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 210, 23-31


Conference Proceedings

  • Justus Simiyu, Novel Food & Energy Concept towards Electricity Generation & Food Security, Workshop on Solar Energy Materials for Energy Need in Africa, in Honor of the Late Prof. R. Kivaisi & 2nd MSSEESA Conference October 30 — November 4, 2017, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
  • Waita, S., Simiyu, J., Kiragu, A.N., Imali, V., Aduda, B. A simple low cost solar panel/cell characterization experiment for senior undergraduate Students, ISES Solar World Congress 2015, Conference Proceedings
  • Simiyu J., S. Waita,  MusembiA. OgachoB. AdudaPromotion of PV Uptake and Sector Growth in Kenya through Value Added Training in PV Sizing, Installation and Maintenance, Science Direct Energy Procedia 57(2014) 817 – 825



  • Justus Simiyu, Sunfarming Kisumu County 40 MW PV Plant Project Pre-Feasibility Study & Environmental and Social Impact Assessment. Kisumu County Government, February 2018.
  • Ahmed Sayyid, Justus Simiyu, Proposed Distributed Energy Solar PV System at University of Nairobi for Captive Energy Use, University of Nairobi, February 2018.
  • Justus Simiyu, Promotion of Solar-Hybrid Mini-Grids (Prosolar) Project T1+T2 Solar Technicians Training In Marsabit, Marsabit County, University of Nairobi, September 2017.
  • Justus Simiyu, University of Nairobi Solar Academy T3 Advanced Grid Tie Solar PV Design Course, Learning module, University of Nairobi, May 2017.
  • Justus Simiyu, Sunfarming University of Nairobi 30 MW PV Plant Project Pre-Feasibility Study, University of Nairobi, March 2017.
  • Justus Simiyu, Promotion Of Solar-Hybrid Mini-Grids (Prosolar) Project T1+T2 Solar Technicians Training In Lodwar, Turkana County, University of Nairobi, November 2016.
  • Justus Simiyu, Sunfarming Kilifi 40 MW PV Plant Project Pre-Feasibility Study & Environmental and Social Impact Assessment. Ministry of Energy & Petroleum, August 2016.
  • Justus Simiyu, Sunfarming TARDA Masinga 80 MW PV Plant Project Pre-Feasibility Study & Environmental and Social Impact Assessment. Ministry of Energy & Petroleum, July 2016


Research  Interests

  • My research interests are in the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus focusing on SDGS 2, 6, 7 (i.e. Zero hunger while accessing clean water and energy) at an affordable level while taking into consideration its sustainability in SDG 13 (Climate Action). I seek to contribute towards finding solutions to problems affecting us locally by applying a scientific approach that meets global standards in a sustainable way.  The approach is both at basic scientific approach as well as application research as listed below: (1) Dye-sensitized solar cells, (2) Solar energy materials, (3) Nanomaterials for Energy and Environment, (4) Engineered nanomaterials and nature interface, (5) Solar Energy, (6) PV applications (6) Spectroscopic techniques (7) Smart grids

I am an Associate Professor of Physics at the Maasai Mara University having over 17 years of teaching and research in areas of basic physics, engineering physics and electronics, solar energy, process control, and photovoltaics. I am a certified Solar PV Trainer having been the coordinator and lead trainer for Solar Photovoltaics for both off the grid and grid-tie systems for over ten years. I also offer consultancy in renewable energy and low carbon technology adoption, development of training curriculum for PV in Kenya incorporating T1, T2, and T3 levels. I co-ordinate the promotion of Physics and Science in high schools in Kenya through organized visits and talks to high school students for the department. I teach and supervise undergraduate and postgraduate students in the areas of basic physics, materials science and solar energy materials and applications. I also provide policy advice and consultancy on climate change policy with a particular focus on low carbon technology transfer and development to the Government of Kenya towards the implementation of Vision 2030 flagship projects. I am Chair of the Board of Solar for Sub Saharan Communities (S3C) Kenya Foundation, a social venture working in Kenya towards the provision of clean energy to schools and communities in remote villages. I have participated and continue to participate in research collaborations with partners in Sweden, the UK, and Germany in areas of solar energy materials research and applications.

Academic Qualifications

  • 2010 Ph.D. in Physics (Solar Energy Materials), University of Nairobi & Uppsala University, Sweden
  • 2001 MSc in Physics, University of Nairobi
  • 1996 BSc(Upper 2nd Class Hons), Physics Major, University of Nairobi
  • 1990 KCSE, Bungoma High School, Bungoma
  • 1986 KCPE, Ndengelwa Primary School, Bungoma

Personals  Details

  • Date /Place of Birth: 28thFebruary 1973, Bungoma County, Kenya
  • Marital Status: Married with three children.
  • Citizenship: Kenyan