- Merciline O, Dominic M(2020) Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of crude extract of Tithonia diversifolia. Open J Biol Sci 5(1): 028-033. DOI: 17352/ojbs.000021
- Mbeva Daniel, Menge Dominic, “Diversity and Distribution Patterns of Tree Species along Enkare Narok River, Kenya,” International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences, Vol.7, Issue.3, pp.74-80, 2020
- Wesley N. Omwoyo, Dominic Menge, Antony L. Yiaile and Doreen Muchiri (2020). Phytochemical Screening and Cytotoxic Activities of Methanolic Extracts of Physalis peruvianaStudied on Normal and Cancerous Mammalian Cell lines. International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue VI, | ISSN 2321–2705
- Menge D. and Shamte H. Shomari (2019)Investigations on the Performance of Potential Botanicals against Cashew Powdery Mildew Disease in Tanzania. African Journal of Plant Sciences
- Menge D. and Martha M.(2016) Biological control of cashew powdery mildew using Ampelomyces quisqualis Journal of Biological Control, 30(4): 2016
- Menge D, Shomari S(2016) − Studies on leaf and nut blight of cashew (Anacardium occidentale) caused by Cryptosporiopsis in Tanzania. Plant Pathology & Quarantine 6(2), 202–206, Doi 10.5943/ppq/6/2/10
- MengeDominic and Shamte Shomari (2016) Sources, survival and transmission of Cryptosporiopsis, leaf and nut blight pathogen of cashew (Anacardium occidentale Linn). Communications in Plant Sciences, Volume 6, Issues 1-2, Pages 19-25
- Menge, D., Makobe, M., Monda, E.O. and Okemo, P.O., (2016) Influence of Some Plant Extracts on Physiological Traits of French Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) Infected with Rust (Uromyces appendiculatus), J. Pure App. Biosci.4(3): 64-72 (2016). doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.2307
- MengeDominic, M. Makobe and S. Shomari (2016). Components of Quantitative Resistance to Blight in Four Cashew Cultivars and Their Relations with field Assessments. Bio. Phy. Sci. Vol.6, No.3; 608-621.
- Menge Dominic, Martha Makobe, Bonaventure Agboton, Shamte Shomari, Andreas Tiedemann (2014). Biology and Infection Mechanisms of Cryptosporiopsis sppFungus Causing Blight Disease on Cashew (Anacardium Occidentale). Journal of Plant Sciences. 2, No. 6, 2014, pp. 266-275. doi: 10.11648/j.jps.20140206.12
- Menge S., Makobe M., Monda E. O. and Okemo P. O. (2014). Effects of crude extracts on some selected physiological parameters of French beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) infected with rust (Uromyces appendiculatus). African Journal of Plant SciencesVol. 8(7), pp. 356-363 DOI: 10.5897/AJPS12
- Menge , M. Makobe, V. Agboton, S. Shomari, A.V. Tiedemann (2013). Host range and control of Cryptosporiopsisspp, a cashew blight pathogen. Scientific Journal of Microbiology 2(6) 104-115.
- Menge D., M. Makobe, S. Shomari and A.V. Tiedemann (2013). Development and Validation of a Diagrammatic Scale for Estimation of Cashew Blight for Epidemiological Studies. International Journal of Advanced Research(2013), Volume 1, Issue 4, 26-38
- Collaborative Interventions to Control Desert Locusts Invasion in Kenya 2019/2020. Exploitation of entomopathogenic fungi towards development of an autodissemination management approach for the control of the damaging desert locust in Kenya. The project draws a multidisciplinary approach with researcher’s from different disciplines from Kenyatta University, ICIPE, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, and Maasai Mara University. 20,000,000.00
- Integrated management of major insect pests and diseases of cashew in east and western Africa. Collaborative project funded by BMZ, Germany and coordinated by ICIPE, Nairobi, 2011-2013 Ksh. 10,000,000.00
- Antifungal Activity of Selected Crude Plant Extracts on Bean Rust (Uromyces appendiculatus) and Their Effects on Physiological Activities of French Beans, 2008- 2010
- Studies on synergism between antibiotic and metallic ions in a tissue culture medium, 2006/2007
- Pedagogical Leadership In Africa (PEDAL) stakeholders’ forum November 29th 2021
- Online networking event on Embracing Biophysics in Africa: Challenges and Strengths on 21st August 2020
- Proceedings of the 3rd international cashew Conference“Cashew for Health Wealth and Environment” Held at Serena Hotel, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania 16-19 November 2015. The role of Environmental Factors on the growth and development of Cryptosporiopsis sp fungus
- Attended the First International Conference on Pesticidal Plants ICIPE,Nairobi, Kenya. http://projects.nri.org/adappt/docs/ICPPabstracts&timetable.pdf (21st -24th January 2013).
- Shomari S. H. and Menge S. N. (2013). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Pesticidal Plants. Investigations on the performance of potential botanicals against cashew powdery mildew disease in Tanzania. Volume 1:11 (August 2013).
- 3rd JKUAT scientific, Technological and IndustrializationConference and Exhibition at JKUAT. (25th -26th October 2007)
- Menge , Muthuri C. W., and Matiru V. N. Title of Publication: Studies on synergism between antibiotic and metallic ions in a tissue culture medium. Proceedings 2007 JKUAT Scientific Technological and Industrialization. Conferencepg 108 – 122. Year of Publication: 2008
- Stakeholder Workshop for Bachelor of Science Programmes (Biology/ Conservation Biology & Phd (Conservation Biology) Pwani University held online on Tuesday, 12thOctober 2021 and Wednesday 13th October 2021 from 9:00am to 1:00pm (East African Time) on both days.
- University Mentorship Training Workshop held on 17thand 18th August, 2021 at Maasai Mara University Conference Hall.
- “Plant Pathogen Interactions” organized by the Department of Plant Pathology, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.The seminar will be held online on 15th of July, 2021.
- Pedagogical capacity building training held on 16th June, 2021 at Maasai Mara University conference hall
- Plagscan user and support training
- Teacher training and development for peace, resilience building and held between 4th-6th sepember 2019 at Maasai Mara University. Kenya
- Programme for German academic exchange service (DAAD) information tour on 13thMay 2015 at Maasai Mara University
- Teaching practice assessors training at Maasai Mara University on 12thMay 2015
- Pedagogical staff capacity building workshop (30th September to 2nd October 2014)
- Cashew Research Programme, Agricultural Research Institute, Naliendele. Crop Protection Report- 2011/12. Leaf and nut blight disease. Tanzania
- Training course in plant pesticides technologies for food securities and poverty alleviation held at ARI-Naliendele, Mtwara, Tanzania (20th-22nd February 2012).
- Public seminar on technology transfer and the communication process at JKUAT. (May 2008)
- Biosafety and management in Biosafety laboratory and greenhouse facilities workshop (June 2009)
- DAAD-German Academic Exchange Services proposal writing workshop and faculty of Science second scientific conference (January, 2009)
- prevention of violence extremism (PVE) workshop held on 22nd-25th November, 2019
- 6thMaasai Mara university conference 2021 28-30th June 2021. Developing Management strategies against cashew leaf and nut blight.
- 2ndMaasai Mara University International Conference: Innovation, Tourism & Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development; State of Nursing Workforce in Narok County, 25-26th May 2016
- The 1st scientific conference Knowledge Management for Transformation: Pitfalls, Synergy and Innovation at Maasai Mara University, Narok. Kenya, 11th – 14th Nov 2014. http://spotidoc.com/doc/410134/conference-programme
- The 8th JKUAT scientific, Technological and Industrialization Conference and Exhibition at JKUAT, 14th -15th Nov 2013
- Menge D.M., Makobe M., Monda E.O., and Okemo.P.O. Effects of Antifungal Plant extracts on some selected physiological parameters of French beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). The First International Conference on Pesticidal Plants-21st -24th January 2013
Senior Lecturer [2023 – present]
Biological Sciences Maasai Mara University, Narok, KENYA https://www.mmarau.ac.ke/acad emics/schools-departments/school-of- pure-and- applied- sciences/faculty- members-sos/dr-dominic-menge/
Public University of Higher Education in Kenya Lecturer [AUG 2015 – FEb 2023]
Maasai Mara University, Narok, KENYA https://www.mmarau.ac.ke/academics/schools-departments/school-of- pure-and-applied- sciences/faculty- members-sos/dr-dominic-menge/
The Public University of Higher Education in Kenya Assistant Lecturer [Aug 2014 – Aug 2015] Maasai Mara University, Narok, KENYA https://www.mmarau.ac.ke/academics/schools-departments/school-of- pure-and-applied- sciences/faculty-members-sos/dr-dominic-menge/
The Public University of Higher Education in Kenya Project Officer [Jan 2010- Dec 2010] Tree Biotechnology Programme Trust-Karura, P.O. Box 64159 – 00620 Nairobi. Kenya. http://www.tree-biotech.com/
Industrial Trainee [2007-2008]
Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARLO) Thika,