13th mara day scientific conference


Theme: Flowing forward together; Conserving the Mara Basin Ecosystem for Sustainable Biodiversity & Climate Resilience

The Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC) in collaboration with Masai Mara University is pleased to invite calls for papers, posters and exhibitions on its one-day 13th Mara Day Scientific Conference on the theme “Flowing Forward Together: Conserving the Mara Basin Ecosystem for Sustainable Biodiversity & Climate Resilience”. The conference will be held at Maasai Mara University physically on 14th September 2024. The conference is open to all researchers, students and government officials in the East Africa Commission member states (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, DRC Congo and Somalia) and International Researchers doing research in Mara Basin Ecosystem who wish to address issues related to the Lake Victoria Basin in an interdisciplinary approach. The symposium will focus on four main themes, but any other theme will be considered if relevant. For each theme, topics from the natural and social sciences are welcome.


  • Environmental conservation and climate resilience in the Mara Basin ecosystem
  •  Natural resource management for inclusive socio-economic development in the Mara Basin ecosystem
  • Legal justice, gender equality and governance framework  for trans-boundary cooperation as an enabler for sustainable conservation in the Mara Basin ecosystem
  • Knowledge, Innovation and technology in conservation of the Mara Basin

Application/ Conference registration
Please complete the application form: https://forms.gle/NUpW8GB4wG1xNDSH6
You will receive a confirmation email as soon as your application has been submitted.

Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC)

Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC)

Key Dates

Submission deadline – 15th August, 2024
Notification of Accepted Submissions – 20th August, 2024
Submission of full papers dateline – 25th August, 2024
Programme notification – 30th August, 2024

maasai mara university

Abstract Guidelines

All Abstracts submitted should be written in the following order in Ms Word doc. Or docx named as: Sub-theme number _ Country _ Institution _ First Name _ Second Name e.g 3_ Uganda_ Makerere_University_ Otieno_ Mboya or 1_ Tanzania_Univ of Dodoma_ Monika_Janet;

  1.  Presentation Title
  2.  Authors Name (s),
  3.  Affiliation of authors i.e. Departments, Organization, Postal address, Telephone
    contact, Email address, ORCiD number (if available)
  4.  SDG issue being addressed
  5. Abstract body – Please ensure your abstracts have: an introductory title, brief summary of challenge being tackled, main motivation of study, methods used, primary findings and resolutions of the study relevant in combatting global challenges.
    Kindly remember to mention the sub-theme, national and global blueprints being addressed in your abstract.
    Figures and citations are greatly discouraged in the abstracts.
  6.  Key words (4 – 6 key words that can be used to index your study)

For further information, please visit the website: www.mmarau.ac.ke and www.lvbcom.org. Please contact the email maraconf@lvbcom.org and cc to maraconf@mmarau.ac.ke or contact/WhatsApp +254705350166 (Bakari) and +254740173042 (Theoneste) for further clarifications.



MMU Round About


A public University situated 150km the Southwest of Nairobi route to the great Maasai Mara Game Reserve. The vision of the University is to be a World-Class University committed to academic excellence for development.

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