The successful ceremony was held at Leshuta secondary grounds
through the Centre for Community Outreach as a Corporate Social Responsibly exercise.

Principal, Mr. Yiallie "donations would go a long way to reducing diseases, improving performance, concentration and hygiene in the school."

The University team motivated, inspired and mentored the students urging them to focus and have dedicated plans to realize their dreams through education.

"Empowering Education, Uplifting Communities"

The University donated 162 steel double decker beds with an occupancy of 324, 300 mattresses, 100 bed sheets, 100 blankets, 700 sanitary towels, 1500 tree seedlings and 4 solar batteries to Leshuta Secondary school. The successful ceremony was held at Leshuta secondary grounds through the Centre for Community Outreach as a Corporate Social Responsibly exercise. The drizzles could not wash away the joy of the students, parents, teachers and the local community.
“ I am too happy to talk, I might cry and spoil my speech, yet it’s a taboo for a Maasai Man to cry,” Mr. Mayole Leshuta Primary head teacher summed it all. The Vice-Chancellor Prof. Peninah Aloo-Obudho narrated how she was moved to tears during her earlier visit to the school where she found the girls sleeping in deplorable conditions. “ I
don’t know what the people of Leshuta did on me but God uses one person to impact many. This is a fulfillment of a series of promises I made to you. It cements our relationship and partnership and I promise the University will keep on helping this school, “ the V.C said.

The Vice-chancellor was accompanied by a section of the University council members: Dr. Susan Chebet, Ms. Elizabeth Ayoo and Ms. Agnes Busienei, University management: Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Administration, Finance and Strategy, Prof. James Nampushi, Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research Innovation and Outreach, Prof. Francis Mburu, Director, TVET Institute Prof. Stella Kirui, Director, Post graduate studies, Prof. Beatrice Manyasi, Coordinator, Centre for Community Outreach, Dean of Students Mr. Muhamed Adan, Jackson MAs ago and member of staff of the University.

Local leaders present; Leshuta Secondary School Principal James Yialle, Chief Paul Karani, Chair of the School Board, Mr. David Kanyie, Leshuta Primary school head teacher, Mr. Mayone Duncan, Mzee Ole Mosiro, Chairman land demarcation committee among others. They praised the University for its generosity and urged strengthening of the relationship. Mzee Mosiro said, “I didn’t know it would turn out this way. I was rebuked for donating the land to the University. Many said I was doing it for self-benefit. I thought it would be for the benefit of the future generation, now it has come to fruition”.

VC, Maasai Mara University, Flunked by Dean of students, DVC-RIO,
VC giving out donations
The Vice-Chancellor Prof. Peninah Aloo-Obudho (Centre), handing over the donations to the Leshuta Secondary School Principal Mr James Yialle (2 nd right).
An assortment of donations from the University to Leshuta Secondary: Books, blankets, bed sheets and sanitary towels.


The University team motivated, inspired and mentored the students urging them to focus and have dedicated plans to realize their dreams through education. Such a concerted CSRs, not only help improve the society but also promote a positive brand image for the University. They also contribute positively to societal goals and aspirations.
Diane Rose
Fitness Guru
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