Maasai Mara University and The Africa Community of Planetary Partners for Health and Environment (ACOPPHE) proposes a groundbreaking Translational Research Conference titled; The One HEARTS 4 Climate: Health and Environment in Africa–;Research Translations and Solutions for Climate Action and Resiliency. The conference is aimed at identifying and bridging the gap between research findings and practical solutions in the realms of health, environment and climate action across Africa.
The conference is planned to be hosted in close proximity to the most impacted communities in arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) areas in Maasai Mara University. This conference centers on the belief that communities who are most impacted by climate change and environmental degradation need to be meaningfully involved and appropriately centered within relevant research, discussions, actions, policymaking, planning and responses. The conference will be conducted in a rotatory manner
between different countries in Africa and hosted in alternating institutions based on their rural-urban locations. The inaugural HEARTS4Climate Conference will be held in Maasai Mara University, Kenya between 3 rd to 9 th August, 2025.
- Showcase Innovative African research
- Advance opportunities and solutions
- Promote Community centered approach
- Assess current levels, scope and typologies of participants engagement in policy, practice and research
- Underscore the critical importance of increasing the enrolment of the youth in community health- and climate action-related programs as a pathway for responding to outbreaks, preparing for and responding to environmental changes
and reducing youth unemployment.
Scope of Participants
The Conference will engage: Academicians, Students and Researchers, Policymakers and Practitioners, NGO and CBO Leaders, Government and UN Officials, Traditional Healers and Indigenous Leaders, Members of communities that are disproportionately Impacted by climate change and other related issues including: Youth and Digital Health Innovators, Health Professionals and Environmental and Climate Advocates. The anticipated in-person scientific attendance will range from 300 – 500 participants,
ensuring a diverse and impactful audience. We look forward to at least 1000 – 1500 in- person attendance for the community activities in Nairekie Enkare, Naisoya (Mau), Maasai Mara University and Sekenani Gate (Mara).
The theme of the Conference is: ‘Uniting for a Healthy Planet for All’ and will be anchored on the following sub-themes;
- (Biodiversity and Animals): Opportunities and Innovations at the Nexus between Biodiversity, Ecosystem Protection, Plants and Animals
- (Conservation and Pollution): Achieving A Comprehensive Transformation through Conservation: Using Nature Based Solutions to Revive Ancient Wisdom and Reverse the Pollution Crisis
- (Climate): Climate Action, Education and Financing: Empowering Methods and Mechanisms to Build a Bright Future and Change Climate from Foe to Friend
- (Children): Children and Youth as Solutions to the Triple Planetary Crisis
- (Health): Health, Food, Water and Clean Energy: Keys to Unlock One Health and Planetary Health, Together with Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
- (Governance): Governance, Advocacy and Policy to Accelerate Community- Centered Sustainable Development, Scale Sustainable Economies and Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
- (Indigenous/Community/Culture/Language): Models to Mainstream Stewardship for Climate Resiliency: Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) and Herbal Medicine
- (Cross-cutting): Priority will be given to submissions that establish clear ties to our core thematic areas of Health, Environment and/or Climate
Conference Datelines
- Call for Abstracts – 26th January, 2025
- Abstracts Review – on a rolling basis up to 15th May, 2025
- Abstracts Notification – on a rolling basis up to 30th May, 2025
- Full papers submission – 15th June, 2025
- Registration dateline – 30th June, 2025
- Actual conference dates – Sunday, 3rd August to Saturday, 9th August, 2025
For more information please visit the websites, as well as get in touch via, or Contact +254 714 458927 (James Dabalen) or +254 705350166 (Bakari Chaka).

Abstract Template
Abstracts with a maximum of 300 words should be provided in Ms Word or Latex files.
Your Abstract should be structured as follows (without numbering);
- Sub-theme applying to
- Title
- Name
- Affiliation
- Telephone contact
- Abstract body (300 words max) structured as follows; An introductory title, brief summary of challenge being tackled, main motivation of study, methods used, primary findings and resolutions of the study relevant in combatting global challenges. Kindly remember to mention the sub-theme, national and global blueprints being addressed before your abstract. Figures and citations are greatly discouraged in the abstracts. Please save your files as: Subtheme number _ Country _ Institution _ Your Name An acknowledgement email will be given within 24 hours of registration and the reviewed abstracts will be sent back to you by date. The applicants will then be expected to work on the given corrections/suggestions and revert back by date alongside their full papers, projects, posters and innovations. The formats and guidelines of the papers, projects, posters and innovations will be communicated while sending back your abstracts.
Abstract Submissions
Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications via the link: by 15 th May, 2025.
Abstracts will be reviewed on a rolling basis and the participants notified at least 2 weeks after submission. Participants who wish to attend without presenting are also welcome. Group presentations will also be allowed. The following registration fees will apply;
Category | Registration Fees | |
Early Bird | Late Bird | |
Kenyan students | Ksh. 1,000 | Ksh. 1,500 |
Kenyan academic staff | Ksh. 1,500 | Ksh. 5,000 |
East African participants | $ 20 | $ 25 |
African participants | $ 100 | $ 150 |
Participants in Low Income Countries beyond Africa | $ 120 | $ 150 |
Participants in Middle- and High-Income countries across the globe | $ 200 | $ 250 |
*The registration fees beyond 1 st May, 2025 will be considered as late bird payments. The charges cover: all the presentations, a hardcopy book of abstracts, stationery, all daytime meals, transport to and from their hotels to the conference venue, transport to the various conference sites including Mau (Naisoya), Sekenani Gate (Maasai Mara National Reserve) and Nairekie Enkare (Narok North), a conference branded T-shirt, and bag. All participants will receive a presentation/attendance certificate after the conference. While the abstracts will be published as conference proceedings, we pursue opportunities of the conference outputs to be published in relevant refereed journals or patented with national and global intellectual property bodies.