Maasai Mara University Student Association

By the Provision of Universities (amendment) Act, 2016, The Maasai Mara University Charter 2013, the Rules and Regulations governing student conduct and discipline. 

We, the members of MMUSA, who form an integral part of Maasai Mara University, a microcosm of society that is as rich as it is diverse in intellectual pursuits, personal devotions, moral credence, and cultural heritages, 

HUMBLY submitting to the supremacy of the Almighty God and recognizing our responsibility before Him, humanity and to ourselves, 

DESIRING to constitute ourselves as an organization to secure for ourselves and our posterity Academic freedom, excellence, equality, integrity, innovation, and our welfare, 

HONOURING the selfless efforts, downsides and successes of the founding and succeeding members, 

PROUD of the diversity of backgrounds and cultures of members, united by a common purpose and aspirations, 

GUIDED by the principles, reason, courtesy, and genuine search of all virtues to live in comradeship, peace and to develop salubrious concord with other student bodies, person(s), institutions and all who believe in the ideals of justice, equality and truth, 

RECOGNISING the supreme authority of the University Council governed and other relevant laws of the land in all activities and organizations of the University, 

ADOPT, ENACT and give this Constitution to ourselves and our future generations.


Mr. Jerry Rawlings Ayieko

Vice Chairperson

Ms. Anne Nduku Kanu

Secretary General

Mr. Fred Murimi

Secretary Finance

Mr. Rotich T kiprop

Secretary Academic Affairs & Editorial​

Mr. William D Omollo

Secretary Catering Health & Special Needs​

Ms. Anne Wangui Gachiri

Secretary Sports Entertainment & Security​

Mr. Kimutai C Abiud

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