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Bachelor of Arts in Social Work (BASW)

Course Structure

Degree Description:

The BASW at Maasai Mara University aims to educate social work professionals who are committed to promoting social change and sustainable social development by providing an up-to-date and comprehensive professional training in the theory and practice of social work. The BASW programme prepares its graduates to engage in entry-level generalist social work practice with individuals, families, groups, communities, and/or organizations within a multicultural society. Professional practice setting prospects include Hospitals; Institutions Providing Mental Health Care; Working with the Chronically/Terminally Ill; Schools; Residential Institutions: Children’s Homes:, Correctional Institution, Homes for the Aged, Residential institutions for women, homeless shelters;  Organizations Working with the Differently Abled(disabled, handicapped); Organisations Working with Victims of Disasters; Organisations Working with Women; drug and substance abuse, among many others.

Expected Learning Outcomes of the Programme:

By the end of the course, the learner should be able to:

  1. Uphold the principles and methods of social work.
  2. Observe ethical values and code of ethics that govern different social relationships in society, especially in human service delivery.
  • Take up careers in government, the private sector, and non – governmental organizations for sustainable social development.
  1. Engage in professional practice in social work.
  2. Develop and implement sound social research that contributes to Social Work theory, knowledge and research-based practice for sustainable social development.

Degree Courses

List of Course Per Semester

The courses offered are shown below: 

First Year, Semester One    

  1. CMJ 1100-Communication Skills, 3 Credits Hours
  2. ZOO 1100-HIV & Aids & Lifestyle Diseases, 3 Credits Hours
  3. SAS 1103-The Art of Writing, 3 Credits Hours
  4. SOC 1105-Introduction to Social Sciences, 3 Credits Hours
  5. SWK 1103-Introduction to Social Work, 3 Credits Hours
  6. CMD 1103-Community Development, 3 Credits Hours
  7. SWK 1104-Principles and Methods of Social Work, 3 Credits Hours
  8. SWK 1105-Basic Social Work Theory, 3 Credits Hours

Total Credit Hours      24

Semester Two

  1. COM 1200-Computer & Information Literacy, 3 Credits Hours
  2. MAT 1200-Quantitative Skills, 3 Credits Hours
  3. SAS 1204-Deviation and Rehabilitation, 3 Credits Hours
  4. SWK 1206-Social Science Perspectives in HIV/AIDS, 3 Credits Hours
  5. SWK 1207-Social Psychology for Social Workers, 3 Credits Hours
  6. SWK 1208-Human Rights and Empowerment, 3 Credits Hours
  7. SWK 1209-Human Relation, 3 Credits Hours

Total Credit Hours      21

Second Year, First Semester 

  1. ENS 2100-Environmental Skills, 3 Credits Hours
  2. REL 2100-Philosophy & Critical Thinking, 3 Credits Hours
  3. SAS 2105-Principles of Communication, 3 Credits Hours
  4. SWK 2110-Human Growth and Development, 3 Credits Hours
  5. SWK 2111-Social Work Research Methods, 3 Credits Hours
  6. SWK 2112-Case work & Group Work, 3 Credits Hours
  7. SWK 2113-Advanced Social Work Theory, 3 Credits Hours

Total Credit Hours      21                       

Second Semester

Course Codes Course Titles   Credits Hours

  1. SAS 2206-Ethnicity, Peace Relations and Nation Building in Kenya, 3 Credits Hours
  2. REL 2205-Religion and Society, 3 Credits Hours
  3. SWK 2214-Social Pathology, 3 Credits Hours
  4. SWK 2215-Family and Child Welfare, 3 Credits Hours
  5. SWK 2216-Social Work and Law, 3 Credits Hours
  6. SWK 2217-Issues of Diversity and Globalization in Social Work, 3 Credits Hours
  7. SWK 2218-Social Work Field Attachment I, 6 Credits Hours
  8. Total Credit Hours      24                        

Course Structure

Third Year, First Semester

  1. SAS 3107-Contemporary Gender Issues, 3 Credits Hours
  2. STA 3125-Statistical Methods and Data Analysis, 3 Credits Hours
  3. SWK 3119-Social Service Delivery, 3 Credits Hours
  4. SWK 3120-Health, Environment and Community, 3 Credits Hours
  5. SWK 3121-Social Work and Law, 3 Credits Hours
  6. SWK 3122-Personality Development Theories, 3 Credits Hours
    Electives Courses (Choose at least one Elective)
  7. SWK 3123-Social Work in the Palliative care (Cancer, HIV), 3 Credits Hours
  8. SWK 3124-Medical Social Work, 3 Credits Hours
  9. SWK 3125-Collective Behavior and Social Movements, 3 Credits Hours

Total Credit Hours      21                     

Semester Two

  1. BBM 3200-Entrepreneurial & Work Skills, 3 Credits Hours
  2. SAS 3208-Communication and Culture, 3 Credits Hours
  3. SWK 3226-Ethical Issues in Social Work, 3 Credits Hours
  4. SWK 3227-Urbanization, 3 Credits Hours
  5. SWK 3228-Public Benefit Organizations and Resource Mobilization, 3 Credits Hours
  6. SWK 3229-Social Work Field Attachment II, 6 Credits Hours
    Electives Courses (Choose at least one Elective)
  7. SOC 3230-Social Economic Change & Development, 3 Credits Hours
  8. SWK 3230-Social Gerontology, 3 Credits Hours
  9. SWK 3231-Addictions, Assessment and Interventions, 3 Credits Hours

Total Credit Hours      24                   

Fourth Year, First Semester

  1. SAS 4109-English for Specific Purposes, 3 Credits Hours
  2. SWK 4132-Social Policy, Welfare and Administration, 3 Credits Hours
  3. SWK 4133-Counselling Skills in Social Work, 3 Credits Hours
  4. SWK 4134-Human Sexuality, 3 Credits Hours
  5. SWK 4135-Social Work with Communities and Organizations, 3 Credits Hours
  6. SWK 4136-BA. Social Work Honours Research Project, 6 Credits Hours
    Electives Courses (Choose at least one Elective)
  7. SWK 4137-Social Work in the Criminal Justice System, 3 Credits Hours
  8. SWK 4138-Industrial Social Work, 3 Credits Hours
  9. SWK 4139-Social Work Practice with Survivors of Trauma, 3 Credits Hours

Total Credit Hours      24                    

Second Semester

  1. SSAS 4210-Disaster & Conflict Management, 3 Credits Hours
  2. SWK 4240-Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, 3 Credits Hours
  3. SWK 4241-Social Development, 3 Credits Hours
  4. SWK 4242-Social Psychiatry, 3 Credits Hours
  5. SWK 4243-Social Work Field Attachment III, 6 Credits Hours
  6. SWK 4244-Regional Integration and Social Capital, 3 Credits Hours
    Electives Courses (Choose at least one Elective)
  7. SWK 4245-Contemporary Issues in Fields of Practice, 3 Credits Hours
  8. SWK 4246-Community Capacity Building, 3 Credits Hours
  9. SWK 4247-Poverty in Kenya and its Implications for Social Work, 3 Credits Hours

Total Credit Hours      24                   

Total Credit Hours      183

Admission Requirements

Minimum University admission requirements

Eligible applicants in the Bachelor of Arts in Social Work Programme shall meet the following qualifications:


  • Holders of K.C.S.E certificate, grade C+ or it’s equivalent


  • Holders K.A.C.E certificates with a minimum of two principal or its equivalent.


  • Holders of a 2-year relevant diploma from an accredited institution which is recognized by the Maasai Mara University senate and CUE or  its equivalent


  • Holders of an advanced relevant diploma from an accredited institution recognized by the University senate and CUE or its equivalent.