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Bachelor of Science (Microbiology)

Course Structure


The Microbiology program is designed to empower students with the biological, experimental and Computational tools necessary in industries such as food and beverages, pharmaceuticals (both veterinary and human) and waste treatment and pollution control. Students who complete the programme can pursue postgraduate studies in  desired biological disciplines such as; genetic engineering, pharmacology, biotechnology, agriculture and environmental conservation thus filling in  gaps that currently exist in the globally.


The programmes delivered mainly through face to face contact with students. In situations of a distance approach of course delivery, students would be required to have access to laboratory facilities for a hands-on laboratory practice and field work.

The general teaching methodology include lectures, tutorials, seminars, brain storming, academic field trips, group discussion and class presentations

Admission Requirements

Admission requirements

A student wishing to be admitted into the B.Sc. in Microbiology study in the Department of Biological sciences must satisfy the minimum University requirements and school of Science regulations. Minimum entry requirement: KCSE C+ (plus), or an equivalent qualifications from institution(s) recognized by University Senate. In addition, applicants must meet specific minimum requirements in respective subjects as per Faculty / School/ Institute/Departmental requirements (Please refer to table 1 (below) for cluster subjects) 





Biological sciences


Physical sciences






One other subject from Group 3


Students may be trained on various branches of microbiology including mycology, bacteriology, and virology, medical and environmental microbiology.A bachelor degree in microbiology helps students qualify for research, clinical and technical career. Researchers in microbiology may work in the university, government, industry or medical schools. Food microbiologists check for the quality and safety of vitamins, vaccines, antibiotics, and antiseptics. Quality assurance officers identify harmful microorganisms in water, food, dairy, pharmaceutical and environmental products. Microbiologists help in giving information about pharmaceuticals and other scientific products to customers. Clinical and veterinary microbiologists, medical technologists work in veterinary clinics or hospitals to identify disease causing microorganisms in humans and animals.Students who want to further their careers in the medical, veterinary, dental or legal fields can enroll for a Bachelor’s degree in microbiology which will provide the necessary foundation.