Directorate of Endowment Fund

Mr. Lankeu

Mr. Ben Lankeu  Reson 

Endowment Fund was established by a resolution of the MMARAU Council. The Directorate envisions collaborations and partnerships with individuals, businesses institutions and corporations to support activities that will continuously increase income-generating projects to supplement the limited government funding.

The objective of this Directorate is to creatively look for new sustainable ways of mobilizing resources through the establishment of an endowment fund.  Consequently, the fund is expected to guarantee a constant revenue flow to support Maasai Mara University’s teaching and research functions. The Endowment Fund is also tasked to advise the University on possible Investment Avenues to generate more capital to support the university budget. The vision of the directorate is to make the University a knowledge center for teaching, research and skill development.

Projects that the University intends to embark on are:

  • Establishing a scholarship fund to support needy students

  • Expand hostel facilities and create apartments to cater for visiting professors.

  • Establish the College of Health Sciences

  • Construction a state-of-the-art university library

  • Save the Maasai Mara and Mau Forest Ecosystems

  • Establish Eco-tourism and other viable ventures as the income generating units for the University.

Directorate of Endowment Fund wishes to appreciate the following partners for their interest to support the Fund:

  • East African Portland Cement.

  • The Government of Kenya for 250 million grant towards the construction of a Modern Library.

  • Safaricom Ltd.

  • Standard Chartered Bank

  • National Bank

  • Equity Bank

  • Kenya Commercial Bank

  • European Union

We welcome other companies to partner with us to support the students to achieve their lifelong objectives.

Contact:  Directorate of Endowment Fund, Maasai Mara University through


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