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Directorate of Postgraduate Studies

Prof. Manyasi

Prof. Beatrice Manyasi

The Directorate was formally established in September 2014. The Directorate performs its strategic functions through the Board of Postgraduate Studies (BPS) in collaboration with the Schools offering graduate programmes.


Postgraduate Studies Documents (Click to download)

The Directorate performs the following functions and responsibilities: development, support and review of postgraduate programmes in order to meet and exceed market needs, oversight of graduate students’ applications, admissions and studies in collaboration with the relevant Schools; and finally, monitor standards and requirements and maintain accurate students’ records. We further contribute to robust and high-quality theses through organizing proposal writing, research, data analysis, thesis writing and research publication seminars and trainings. The Directorate is currently developing a work study programme for post graduate students as envisaged in the University’s 2019 – 2024 strategic plan.

The Directorate, therefore, is expected to provide the requisite environment for graduate studies and also function as an administrative and support unit for all graduate students.

The Directorate is fast-growing, dynamic and committed to training, monitoring and molding graduate students to become astute academicians and researchers capable of working under challenging conditions to provide sustainable solutions to problems.  The Directorate is expected to facilitate dissemination of research findings through conferences and publications in high impact and reputable journals.

Since its inception, the Board of Postgraduate Studies has enrolled over 500 students into various programmes. The Board is committed to ensuring that our students graduate within the stipulated time.

To increase the University’s visibility as a center of excellence in postgraduate studies and to facilitate progression and completion rates of graduate students, the directorate will, during the current performance contract cycle develop a robust post graduate policy, review the existing rules and regulations governing post graduate studies and develop the Board of Post Graduate Studies 2019 – 2024 strategic plan. Among new changes to be introduced in the reviewed rules and regulations include an 100% electronic processing of thesis, introduction of an electronic thesis tracking system and reduction of thesis examination time from the current 2 months to 1 month. We have further embarked on increasing accessibility to graduate studies by embracing e-learning.

We welcome all prospective postgraduate students to Maasai Mara University and please feel free to contact us at: