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There shall be a Senate of the University which shall consist of:


  1. Maasai Mara University Senate membership, shall be as prescribed in Clause 20 of the Charter and these shall be as follows:
  • Vice Chancellor who shall be the Chairperson
  • The Deputy Vice Chancellors
  • The Principal of each constituent college
  • The Principals of colleges and campuses of the University
  • The Deans of Faculties/Schools
  • The Professors of the University
  • The Registrars
  • The Finance Officer
  • The University Librarian
  • The Dean of Students
  • The Directors
  • The Heads of Departments of the University
  • One representative of each of the College, Campus and School appointed by respective boards from amongst its members.
  • Two members elected by the Academic Board or equivalent body of each constituent college from among the members of such board or body.
  • Two members elected by Students’ Organization, who shall not be entitled to attend deliberations of the Senate on matters which are considered by the Chairperson of the Senate to be confidential and which relate to examinations, the general discipline of students and other related matters.
    Pursuant to Section P of Clause 20 of the Charter the following shall also be members of the Senate:
  • The University Chief Medical Officer
  • The University Legal Counsel
  • The Marketing and Public Relations Officer

2. Persons who are members of the Senate by virtue of their office shall cease to be members on the expiry of their term of office.

Powers and Functions of the Senate

  1. Subject to the provisions of the Charter, the Senate shall be the academic authority of the University and shall have the control and general direction of research, instruction and examinations and the award of degrees, diplomas, certificates and other awards.
  2. Subject to these Statutes and the Regulations the Senate shall have the following powers:
  • to recommend to the Council for the establishment, abolition or harmonization of faculties, schools, institutes, directorates, units, departments and centres as the Senate may from time to time deem necessary;
  • subject to the provisions of the Act, to make recommendations to the Council for the establishment, abolition or supervision, degree and other academic programmes and their titles in the University;
  • to set the dates of the academic year and to determine the schedule of academic programmes within the academic year;
  • to approve all syllabi and curricula of the University;
  • to make regulations governing the methods of assessing and examining the academic performance of students;
  • to evaluate academic records of applicants for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes for purposes of admission into the University;
  • to regulate the conduct of examinations;
  • to appoint internal and external examiners and recommend to the Council the terms and conditions for their appointment;
  • to approve the examination results;
  • subject to the provisions of the Act, to approve the award of degrees including the award of honorary degrees and other academic distinctions;
  • to determine which qualification or credits from other Universities or institutions shall be acceptable as equivalent to particular qualifications of the University;
  • to determine the procedure to be followed in the conferment of the degrees and other awards;
  • to determine the design of academic dress and prescribe its use;
  • to evaluate research, teaching, staffing and general work of any body or section of the University and if it so wishes to report and make recommendations thereon to the Council;
  • to promote and administer the extra-mural, external and extension work of the University;
  • to promote research, extension and innovation work in the University;
  • to promote co-operation and linkages with other institutions of higher learning and industry;
  • to make regulations governing the award of fellowships, scholarships, bursaries, prizes and other awards;
  • to develop, implement and promote quality assurance systems and structures in all University operations;
  • to promote the welfare of students and staff of the University;
  • to propose regulations and procedures for the discipline of the students and make recommendations thereof to the Council;
  • to discontinue a student from a programme of study on academic grounds;
    xxiii. to receive proposals from various boards and faculties, schools, institutes, centres and to consider their recommendations and make appropriate decisions;
  • to recommend to the Council appropriate criteria for appointment and promotion of all staff of the University;
  • to review the Statutes and to present recommendations thereon to the Council provided that all Statutes shall be reviewed at least once every five(5) years and
  • to determine general policy matters relating to the library, laboratory facilities, teaching aids, workshops and such other academic services which are in its view necessary for the furtherance of the academic objectives of the University.

3.The Senate shall exercise such other powers as may be conferred to it by the provisions of the Act, the Charter or by the rules and regulations, and to do such other acts as the Council shall authorize;
4. The Senate may subject to the Charter, these Statutes and Regulations, establish committees consisting of such members of the Senate and any other person as it may deem fit and may delegate any of its powers or duties to the Chairperson or its committees and may also empower such committees to act jointly with any committees appointed by the Senate, boards of faculties, schools or institutes.