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Bachelor of Arts in Religion

Course Structure

2.13 Total Credit Hours

The total credit hours are 183, which is within the range of 168-192 as stipulated by Commission for University Education Curriculum Standards.

FIRST YEAR, First Semester

  1. CMJ 1100 -Communication Skills, 3 Credit Hours
  2. Z00 1100-HIV & AIDS & Lifestyle Diseases, 3 Credit Hours
  3. SAS 1103 – The Art of Writing, 3 Credit Hours
  4. SOC 1105-Introduction to Social Sciences, 3 Credit Hours
  5. REL 1103 -Faith and Reason, 3 Credit Hours
  6. REL 1104 -Traditional African Worldview, 3 Credit Hours
  7. REL 1105 – Introduction to Theology, 3 Credit Hours

Total Credit Hours  21

Second Semester

  1. COM 1200 -Computer and Information Literacy, 3 Credit Hours
  2. MAT 1200 – Quantitative Skills, 3 Credit Hours
  3. SAS 1204 -Deviation and Rehabilitation, 3 Credit Hours
  4. REL 1206 -Introduction to Ethics, 3 Credit Hours
  5. REL 1207-Introduction to Scriptures, 3 Credit Hours
  6. REL 1208 -Introduction to Quran & Hadith, 3 Credit Hours
  7. REL 1209 -Introduction to Philosophy & Religion, 3 Credit Hours
  8. REL 1210 – Introduction to Logic, 3 Credit Hours

Total Credit Hours 24

Course Structure

SECOND YEAR, First Semester

  1. ENS 2100 -Entrepreneurial & Work Skills, 3 Credit Hours
  2. REL 2100 -Philosophy and Critical Thinking, 3 Credit Hours
  3. SAS 2105 -Principles of Communication, 3 Credit Hours
  4. REL 2111-Religion, Conflict, and Peace Processes, 3 Credit Hours
  5. REL 2112 -History of Religion 1, 3 Credit Hours
  6. REL 2113 – Introduction to African Religion, 3 Credit Hours
  7. REL 2114-History of Christianity I, 3 Credit Hours
  8. REL 2115 – Studies in New Testament I, 3 Credit Hours
  9. REL 2116 – History of Islamic Civilization & Culture, 3 Credit Hours
  10. PSA 2118 – Principles of Management, 3 Credit Hours

Total Credit Hours  24

Second Semester

  1. SAS 2206-Ethnicity, Peace Relations and Nation Building in Kenya, 3 Credit Hours
  2. REL 2217 -Religion and Society, 3 Credit Hours
  3. REL 2218 -Introduction to Political Philosophy, 3 Credit Hours
  4. REL 2219 – Intercultural Studies, 3 Credit Hours
  5. REL 2220   – History of Religion II, 3 Credit Hours
  6. REL 2221 – History of Christianity II, 3 Credit Hours
  7. REL 2222 – Islamic Law and Jurisprudence, 3 Credit Hours
  8. PSA 2227 –    Public Personnel Management, 3 Credit Hours

Total Credit Hours 21

Course Structure

THIRD YEAR, Semester One

  1. SAS 3107 – Contemporary Gender Issues, 3 Credit Hours
  2. REL 3123-Religion and Science in Africa, 3 Credit Hours
  3. REL 3124-Philosophy of Religion, 3 Credit Hours
  4. REL 3125-Women and Religion in Africa, 3 Credit Hours
  5. REL 3126-African Mythology, 3 Credit Hours
  6. REL 3127-History of Islam in Africa, 3 Credit Hours
  7. REL 3128-History of Christianity in Africa, 3 Credit Hours
  8. REL 3129 -Church Doctrine II, 3 Credit Hours
  9. REL 3130-African Philosophy, 3 Credit Hours

Total Credit Hours 24

Second Semester

  1. BBM 3200 – Entrepreneurial & Work Skills, 3 Credit Hours
  2. SAS 3208 – Communication and Culture, 3 Credit Hours
  3. REL 3231-Research Methodology in Religion, 3 Credit Hours
  4. REL 3232 -Religions in Kenya, 3 Credit Hours
  5. REL 3233 – Field Attachment, 6 Credit Hours
  6. REL 3234- Islamic Family Law, 3 Credit Hours
  7. REL 3235-Studies in Old Testament, 3 Credit Hours
  8. REL 3236 – African Traditional Healing & Science, 3 Credit Hours

Total Credit Hours  24

Course Structure

FOURTH YEAR, First Semester

  1. SAS 4109 – English for Specific Purposes, 3 Credit Hours
  2. REL 4137 -Issues in Social Ethics, 3 Credit Hours
  3. REL 4138 -Emerging Theologies, 3 Credit Hours
  4. REL 4139 -New Religious Movements, 3 Credit Hours
  5. REL 4140-Islamic Theology, 3 Credit Hours
  6. REL 4141-Religious Leadership, 3 Credit Hours
  7. REL 4142-Worship in African Religion, 3 Credit Hours

Total Credit Hours 21

Second Semester

  1. SAS 4210- Disaster & Conflict Management, 3 Credit Hours
  2. REL 4243-Research Projects in Religion, 6 Credit Hours
  3. REL 4244 -Religion and Politics, 3 Credit Hours
  4. REL 4245-Christian Theologies in Africa, 3 Credit Hours
  5. REL 4246-African Religion in Diaspora, 3 Credit Hours
  6. REL 4247-Islamic Law of Succession, 3 Credit Hours
  7. REL 4248-Inter-Religious Dialogue, 3 Credit Hours
  8. REL 4249-Political Philosophy in Africa, 3 Credit Hours

Total Credit Hours  24

Total Credit Hours  183

NOTE:Each course takes 3 credit hours (a maximum of 45 hours, translating to 15 weeks, where 13 weeks are dedicated to teaching and 2 weeks to examinations).