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Dr. John Ndungu Kungu

Dr. John Kungu Ndungu

Senior Lecturer, COD- Humanities & Public Administration

  • John Ndungu Kungu Mobility, Confinement and the Politics of Exile: A Study of Manyani Detention Camp in Kenya, 1952 – 1963: A Historical Account in Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (SJHSS)
  • With Peter Waweru, Generation Sets as Institutions of Cohesion and Mutual Existence in Pre-Colonial Kenya in Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • With Peter Waweru The Political Crises and Deterioration of Law and Order in Kenya, 1934 -1952 in Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • With Towett Geoffrey, Foreign Aid in Sub-Saharan Africa Countries: Does Foreign Aid Make a Difference in Development? In International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
  • With Towett Geoffrey Socio-Cultural Determinants Influencing Adolescent Sexual And Reproductive Health in Bomet East Sub-County, Kenya in International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS)Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2020
  • With Babere Kerata Chacha and Peter Waweru The carceral colony and entanglement of gender: theorizing women imprisonment in Kenya in European Journal of social sciences studies
  • With Babere Kerata Chacha and Peter Waweru Criminal Justice and the Making of Langata Maximum Women Prison, 1960-1965 in International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS)
  • With Towett Geoffrey, The implication of Political Patron-Client Linkages on Democratic Governance in Developing Democracies in International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS)
  • With Babere Kerata Chacha, Religious Concubinage, Covid-19 and the moral economy of witchcraft In Kenya in European Journal of social sciences studies
  • With Thomas Njiru Gichobi, Torture, Politics of Pain and Transitional Justice in Kenya: A Historical Perspective in The international journal of humanities & social studies
  • With Thomas Njiru Gichobi Colonial Paternalism, Parasitism, Domination and Control Kenya in Kenya 1895-1952 in The international journal of humanities & social studies
  • With P. Waweru, The Biotic environment in the Precolonial History of the Samburu of North- Central Kenya in Global Journal of Advanced Research
  • With Thomas Njiru, Nationalism, Pimping Laws and Local Geographies of Crime and Punishment in Colonial Kenya, 1895-1963 in IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS)
  • With Asige M, Lawrence. Phillip K. Chemelil and Vitalis A Ngore, Community based approach to sustainable national development: A panacea for negative ethnicity in Kenya, in International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research
  • With Babere Kerata Chacha. Decolonizing African Sexualities: Between Continuities and Change,in International Journal of Social Sciences and Management Review
  • With Thomas Njiru Gichobi and Peter Waweru.Ecology and Its Influences on Land Use and Ownership in Pre-colonial Mwea, In The International Journal Of Humanities & Social Studies
  • With Thomas Njiru Gichobi & Asige Mmaitsi Lawrence Influence of Machiavellian Principles of Political Power, Religion and Development on Successive Regimes in Kenya, 1963-2007 In British Journal of Multidisciplinary and Advanced Studies: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 4(1), 1-16, 2023



Conference Papers Presentation

  • Women Perceptions on Changing Patterns of Mountains as a Source of Water and Livelihoods at Maasai Mara University in 2020
  • Socio-Cultural Determinants Influencing Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Bomet East Sub-County, Kenya at Maasai Mara University in 2020
  • The Response of the COVID- 19 Pandemic on the Indigenous communities: Case of Access to Emergency health care Among the Ogiek of Kenya in 2020 at Maasai mara University.
  • Perils of Incarceration and Children Rights in Kenya: Recounting the Plights of Mothers with Young Children in Langata Women Prison, 1960-2003-at the Child Protection and the Rights of the Child: Transnational Perspectives Conference organized by the Centre for Human Rights and Restorative Justice at McMaster University from January 27 to 28, 2023.


  • BEd (Egerton),MA, PhD (Laikipia)


Brief Bio:

  • Dr. John Ndungu Kungu  is a  Lecturer in African History in the Department of Social Studies at Maasai Mara University in Kenya. He is currently the chairman of Department. He has previously served as Departmental  exam and time tabling officer  at Maasai Mara University. Ndungu Kungu has been a researcher in penal and gender history. Ndungu Kungu has also been engaged teaching good governance and human rights. His main research interest includes in gender and human rights, but he also has wide interests in sex and sexuality and political detention.