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Prof. Sewe

Prof. Tabitha M. Sewe

Professor of Communication.

  • Sewe, T and Wesonga J (2012), Challenges facing Implementation of Performance Contracts in State Corporations in Kenya. A case of Chemilili Sugar Company.  Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies: ISSN 2276-8475
  • Simeon, K, Mobegi, V, Kombo, A and Sewe, T (2012), Entrepreneurship Challenges in Developing Economies. A case of Kenya. International Journal of Arts and Commerce Vol. 2 No. 4
  • Sewe, T Mobegi, V, Simeon, K, Kombo, A, Achuti, M, Matoke, A, Abunda, J and Ombasa B (2012), Influence of New Technology on Financial Performance. A case of Small Scale Tea Industry in Kabirigo, Kenya. International Journal of Arts and Commerce Vol. 1 No. 6
  • Vicky O, Mobegi Simeon Kaburi, Kombo A, Sewe Tabitha (2012) Development of Entrepreneurship in the Development Economies; A case Study of China International Journal of Arts and Commerce Vol 1 No. 5
  • Mogire D, Sewe T, (2014) The role of knowledge management in the enhancement of performance in Kenya. A survey of selected satellite campuses in Western Kenya Region Volume 2, Issue IV ISSN2327-8916.
  • Sewe T & Kisia B, (2017) Communicating human resource development strategy to senior management and the workforce for effective organizational performance in developing countries. Kenya Journal of educational planning, economics, and management Vol 11 Issue 1. ISSN NO. 2074-5400
  • Manyaga Caleb, Mochama Justus, and Sewe, Tabitha (2016) Privatization of State-Owned Enterprises and its effects on the performance of the Kenyan economy. International Journal of Innovation Education and Research. Vol 4 No. 06 ISSN 2411-2933
  • Sewe T (2015) Little seeds of Resillience: An Autobiography book review: Utafiti Foundation Publishers
  • Sewe T (2016) The 39, 000 days of Nakuvesia in pursuit of it. Book review: 
  • Sewe T and Wesonga J (2011), Effects of Occupational Stress on Employee’s Performance. A Case Study of Kisii Level Five Hospital. A Journal of Management University of Africa: ISSN 2074-4730
  • Sewe T.and Hazel Kubebea (1990) “Developing Communication Skills Materials and suggesting appropriate methodologies” British Council proceedings, on Academic Communication skills in African Universities International Symposium.
  • Sewe T. (2002) Expanding African Universities and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic: African Universities in the 21stCentury April 25-27-2 Vol.2 ” Dakar Campus Senegal CODESRIA (published on the internet). Check website.
  • Sewe T. (1999) “The development of Human Resource: An Approach to discipline-based Assumption of Responsibility, Dedication and Love; Academy of Human Resources Development ” Published on the Internet).
  • Sewe T. (2004). Economic Changes: The Survivor Loyalty Factor and the Internationalization of Higher Education. The case study of Instructions of Higher Learning in Kenya.
  • Khaemba and T. Sewe (2004). Internalization of Higher Education: The African Experience and Perspective. Eldoret: Moi University Press ISBN 9966-854-37-1
  • Sewe, T. (2004). The Role of Women in HIV/AIDS Control and Management in Kenya” in Momanyi et al. (eds) Disparities in Science Technology HIV/AIDS and Education Vol.2 ATWS Kenya Chapter. ISBN 9966-9969-19.
  • Sewe, T. (2004). “Women in Non-Traditional Careers the Psychological Consequences and the Impact on the Development of Children: The Case of Eldoret” in Momanyi C. et al. (eds) Disparities in Developing Countries Types, Challenges and the way Forward, Vol.1 ATWS Kenya Chapter ISBN 9966-9969-18.
  • Sewe, T. and Gakua N. (2005).” The Role of International Communication Systems” Journal of Communications and Development vol. 1
  • Sewe, T. and Kubasu L. (2005) The Youth, Freedom of choice and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic” Journal of Communication and Development (IN PRESS) VOL.1 Number Drafts (pg. 276-282)
  • Mamboleo Gedion, Chepkuto P.K, and Sewe T, (2008), The False Reciprocity of International Television Journalism. Journal of Communication, The Encoder, Vol. 2 No. 1, ISSN 1991-6280
  • Sewe T. and Maloba B. (2011) “Approaches to Second Language Learning: A Lexical – Grammatical Model of Reading and A task-based Learning Methodology: For English as a Second Language” Nairobi: Strategic Publishers. ISBN 978-9966-1576-0-7


Other papers awaiting publications

  • Sewe T & Kisia B 2017, Communicating the impact of knowledge management as a necessary input in the performance of higher learning.
  • Sewe T & Kisia B 2017, Intrinsic motivation: A tool for organizational development in the public sector in developing countries.
  • Sewe T & Kisia B 2017, Co-operate identity as a communicative tool for competitive advantage.
  • Sewe T & Adagala N 2016, Education as an indispensable asset for peacebuilding freedom for development and social justice: reflecting on the Kenyan experience.
  • Sewe T (2013), Analyzing Religious Liberty through the Prism of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Kenya.
  • Kisia, B, Tabitha Sewe (2008), Sustainable alternative source of nutrition for city dwellers in North Rift. (Moi University 4thInternational Conference, July 2008)
  • Sewe T, Kisia B. Machio R. & Sewe, C. (2008), Communicating Health Information: A Critical Concern for the developing world. (Moi University 4th international Conference, July 2008.
  • Sewe T, Machio, C, Kisia B. (2008), The role of Interdependence and Collaboration in Leadership. An alternative approach to leadership in the developing world. (Moi University 4thInternational conference, July 2008) Moi University Desktop Publishing.
  • Sewe T, (2014) The Role of Education to Society Interrogating the Gains: The Kenyan Experience.
  • Sewe T, Choge Chepkemboi R. (2014) Policy implications in the conservation of the Maasai Mara Game Reserve and the Mau Forest Complex in Kenya. Challenges and Opportunities.
  • Sewe T, Isalambo K. (2014) Exploring online Eco-Linguistics Communication Strategies in the conservation of the Maasai Mara Game Reserve and Mau Forest Complex.
  • Sewe T, Maloba B. (2014) Communicating Climate Change and disaster management challenges for social protection; The case of Narok County – Kenya.

Ongoing Research Projects

The Maasai Mara Science and  Development Initiative (MMDI) in collaboration with other institutions i.e. University of Nairobi, Aarhus University, Denmark, Justus-Liebeg, Germany Karen Blixen Camp, Mararianda community. Participating researchers Prof. Mary Walingo, Prof Tabitha Sewe, Prof. Oyaro Nathan, Dr. Jepkemboi Choge, Dr. Florence Kisirikoi, Nancy Adagala, Bonface Isalambo.
The Maasai Mara Science and Development Initiative (MMDI) in collaboration with Aarhus University, Denmark, Justus-Liebeg, Germany Karen Blixen Camp, Mararianda community. Participating researchers Prof. Mary Walingo, Prof. Tabitha Sewe, Dr. Ruth Jepkemboi Choge, Mr. Bonface Isalambo.


  • 2004: Presented a paper at a seminar held in Moi University, Department of English. Title: The ROLE of Lexis in reading Proficiency within the context of a Task-based Learning Methodology, the case of learners of English at Advanced Levels of Proficiency.
  • 2005: Presented a paper at An International Conference held at Moi University, Kenya Title of Paper: The Youth, Freedom of choice, the HIV/AIDS Pandemic in Kenya: Philosophical Reflections.
  • 2005: presented a paper at an International Conference held at Moi University Kenya Title of Paper: The Role of International Communication Systems in Developing Countries: reflections From an African Perspective.
  • 2005: Presented a paper at  An International Conference held at Moi University Kenya Title of paper: A Critical Overview of the Role of Comprehension – Driven Learning in Language Development: Reflections on Alternative Conceptions of Language and Language Learning.
  • 2005: Project presented to the Commission of Higher Education. Title of Research Project. Towards Positive Sexual Behaviour Change in the Control and Management of HIV/AIDS Pandemic among University Students: An Approach to Discipline based on Assumption of Responsibility.”
  • 2005: HIV/AIDS- Research Project to Agha Khan Foundation. Title of Project: The Role of Women in the Development and Implementation of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Management Strategies; The Case of Busia District- Kenya.
  • 2009: Presented a paper at the 16th Annual Conference. Culture and Justice in the Contemporary World March 17-19, 2010- Ghana – Legon. Title: The Role and ICT in Agriculture in Hamisi Division – Western Kenya
  • 2011: Presented a Paper Moi University International Conference. Title: The impact of Vernacular Radio Stations in the Achievement of Millennium Development Goals: A case study of Kakamega County. (In Press)
  • 2011: Effects of Occupational Stress on Employees Performance: A Case study of Kisii Level Five Hospital. Was presented at the International Conference held at the Management University of Africa
  • 2012: Presented a paper at Moi university international conference on the “adaptation to global dynamics; challenges and dynamics”. Title of paper: Adopting Human Resource Development Approach in the Training of Teachers of Mathematics to Improve Performance in the National Examinations. A Case of Public Secondary Schools in Manga District
  • 2012: Presented a paper at Moi university international conference on the adaptation to global dynamics; challenges and dynamics. Title of paper: The Effect of Free Primary Education on Teachers Performance in Kiogoro Division
  • 2014: Presented a paper on Communicating climate change and disaster management challenges for social protection. The case of Narok County: International conference organized by OSSREA, at Maasai Mara University.
  • 2015: Presented a paper on exploring online eco-linguistic communication strategies in the conservation of the Maasai Mara Game Reserve and Mau Forest Complex. International summit – Science and Development Action for the restoration of the ecosystem in the Maasai Mara Game Reserve and the Mau Forest Complex: A research agenda for the next 20 years.
  • 2015: Presented a paper on Education and the development of the value system. Interrogating the gains. The Kenyan experience during the 1st annual conference at Maasai Mara University in 2015
  • April 2016: Presented a paper on policy implications in the conservation of the Maasai Mara Game Reserve and the Mau Forest Complex. International Summit: Science and Development Action International Summit Maasai Mara University.
  • 2016: Presented a paper on Education as an indispensable asset for peacebuilding freedom for development and social justice: Reflections on the Kenyan experience. During the 2nd annual international conference at Maasai Mara University. Theme: Innovative Tourism and Entrepreneurship for sustainable development.
  • 2017: Presented a paper on Communicating the importance of knowledge management as a necessary input in the performance of institutions of higher learning in Kenya during the 3rd annual conference at Maasai Mara University. Theme – Emerging issues in research and development 27th – 28th June 2017.



  • Moi University Award (2007) to do research in: An Approach to Discipline based on the assumption of responsibility among Moi University students.
  • British Council Awards (1986) to study in the U.K and pursue a Masters Degree at the University of Warwick.
  • America Field Service Award (Exchange student) to study in the state of Connecticut. (1971-1974).
  • British Council Award to study in the UK and pursue a Ph.D. at the University of Birmingham



  • Sewe T.& Kisia B. (2008).    Establishment of a poultry Hatchery in Busia District in Collaboration with (LBDA) Lake Basin Development  Authority.
  • Sewe T. & Kisia B. (2008).  Establishment of a feed mill a poultry feed -mill in Matayos-Busia District lake basin development             authority.
  • Sewe T.& Kubasu Lazarus    (2007). Reaforestation and soil conservation project in Samia Hills-Funyula District.
  • Sewe T.& Kubasu Lazarus (2007) Establishment of disability centre for western province disabled persons.
  • Sewe T.& Kubasu Lazarus (2007). The role of women participation in the sustainability of water resources: A case of Busia District Kenya (Kabirodo Women Group Association).
  • Sewe T, Science Action Development Project (2014) Denmark – Kenya Partnership.


     Membership to professional bodies

  • CODESRIA: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa
  • ISAP: International Society of Asphalt Pavements. ISAP is a volunteer organization of professionals and experts established to share the latest information in leading-edge asphalt pavement technology worldwide.
  • ATWS: Association of Third World Studies
  • OSSREA: The Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa.
  • MMSDI: Maasai Mara Science and Development Initiative Organization (Member of the secretariat).