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Dr. Patrick Gudda

Senior Lecturer - Co-ordinator Centre for Student’s Career and Placement Services Email:


  1. Gudda, P. (2021) - Total Quality Management: Theoretical Perspective, Frameworks & Cases. Eldoret: Utafiti Foundation.
  2. Gudda, P. (2011) - A Guide to Project Monitoring & Evaluation - Bloomington, United States - Author House ISBN 978-1-45678-478-2
  3. Gudda, P. (2011) - Effect of Credit on Manufacturing SMEs Performance-Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN 978-3-8465-9084-3
  4. Kitili, B., Gudda, P., Kiambi, M., Sina, J., Kiguru S., Maina, D., Kamau, D., Nthiga, H., Ngoze, M. L.,& Otieno, G. (2009). Business Skills and Entrepreneurship Training Manual (BSED). Nairobi: United Nation Development Programme (UNDP), Nairobi.

Peer Reviewed Journals Articles

  1. Serem, W. K., Gudda, P., Ombok, M. & Manyaga, C. B. (2024). Effect of Sustainability Reporting on Firm Value: Evidence from the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya. Journal of Finance and Accounting. 8(1), 29-49.
  2. Ambale, F., Naikuni, D., & Gudda, P. (2023). Effect of Work life Balance on Productivity of the Teaching Staff in Selected Public.. Universities in Kenya. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research.10 (10),449-455
  3. Naikumi, E. P., Naikuni, D., & Gudda, P. (2023). Effect of Resource Allocation on Performance of Kenya Meat Commission. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research.10 (10), 466 -473
  4. Shieni, J.S., Gudda,P. & Agoki, D. (2023). Effect of Low-Cost Strategy he Financial Performance of Sacco’s in Narok Town, Keny.International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Studies.10 (10) ,80-88
  5. Parteyie, R., Naikuni, D. & Gudda, P. (2023). Role of Recruitment and Selection Procedures in Promoting Remote Learning: A Case of Public Universities in Nairobi Metropolis. Journal of Economics, Business and Leonah Management Studies.10 (10),90-98
  6. Nyamete ,L.K., Gudda, P. & Keitany ,P. (2023). The Impact Of Supply Chain Resilience Strategies, Technology & the Floricultural Firms Performance:The Nakuru Kenya Story. International Journal of Research & Innovation in Social Science. VII (V I), 19-31
  7. Nyamete ,L.K., Gudda, P. & Keitany ,P. (2023). Effect of Supply Chain Resilience Strategies on the Performance of Floricultural Firms in Kenya. International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Studies.10 (10),51-60
  8. Kipai, E. S., Gudda, P., & George, R. (2022). Effect of Membership Size on Financial Performance of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Narok County, Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting Finance and Management Sciences.12(4), 1–22.
  9. George, K. S., Gudda, P., & Gathuru, E. K. (2022). Effect of Internet Banking on Profitability of Commercial Banks in Kenya: A Case of Kenya Commercial Bank. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting Finance and Management Sciences, 12(3), 86–94.
  10. Thomas, J. M., Gudda, P., & Gathuru, E. K. (2022). The Role of Mobile Money Deposits on Savings Mobilization of Boda-Boda Youths in Wote Town, Makueni County. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting Finance and Management Sciences. 12(2), 549 – 559
  11. Nchoe, J. L., Gudda, P., & Gathuru, E. K. (2022). The Effect of Electronic Reporting on Financial Control in Public Secondary Schools in Narok County, Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting Finance and Management Sciences, 12(4), 23–32.
  12. Nadupoi, K. V., Patrick, G., & Diana, A. (2022). Effect of Product Innovations on Growth of Micro-Finance Institutions in Narok Town. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(8), 1934 – 1950.
  13. Sasai M. J, Gudda, P., & Agoki D. (2021). Technology Adoption as System Lock-in Strategy and its Effects on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks Operating in Narok Town, Kenya.
  14. Gudda, P. (2020). The Role of Kenya’s Cluster SMEs in Product Innovativeness. International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance & Management Research. 4 (7):146-148.
  15. Salaton, K. E., Gudda, P., & Rukaria, G. (2020). Effect of Loan Default Rate on Financial Performance of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies In narok, County Kenya, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences .10 (2):65-75. (DOI: 10.6007/IJARAFMS/v10-i2/7345).
  16. Kanyugi, G.E., Gudda, P., Ombok, M., & Kibati, P. (2019). Agency Banking Adoption and its Effect on Banks Withdrawals in Commercial Banks in Kenya International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance & Management Research. 3 (11):1-10.
  17. Kanyugi, G.E., Gudda, P., Ombok, M., & Kibati, P. (2019). Agency Banking Adoption and its Effect on Banks Deposits of Commercial Banks in Kenya, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Science.9 7(3): 251-263.
  18. Nyakwaka, S. & Gudda, P. (2019). Influence of Water Extraction Technology on Sustainability of Community Operated Water Projects in Central Nyakach Sub- County, Kisumu, Kenya. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.7 (6): 184-190.DOI No.: 10.24940/theijhss/2019/v7/i6/HS1906-001
  19. Gathuru, E.K. & Gudda, P. (2019). Dynamics in the Business Environment: Effect of the Building Bridges Initiative on Performance of Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya. International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce. 9 (3) :38-42.
  20. Gathuru, E.K. & Gudda, P. (2019). Strategies Adopted by Brewing Companies in Kenya in Achieving Competitive Advantage: A Case of East African Breweries Limited. international Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR) ISSN: 2643-900X. 3(12): 1-8.
  21. Chesseto, S. C., Gudda, P., & Mbuchi, M. (2019). Transparency and Procurement Performance of Public Universities in Kenya: The Case of Moi University. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Science. 9(9): 437-447.
  22. Cheseto, S., Gudda, P., & Naikuni, D. (2019). E-Procurement and Procurement Performance. The International Journal of Business and Management. 7 (9):152 -158.
  23. Ngare, J.M. & Gudda, P. (2019). Competitive Strategies Adopted by Hotels in Kenya and their Effects on Financial Performance: A Case of Serena Hotels. The International Journal of Business and Management. Vol 7 Issue 5 pp. 229 -233
  24. Gudda, P. &  Gathuru, E.K. (2018). “Technical skills  and Financial Control Practices of  Maasai Mara Community Support FundKenya.”International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS)  Volume 5 Issue 2, February.  ISSN: 2394-4404   pp. 252-257. Available at
  25. Gudda, P.  (2017). “Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on SMEs Product Innovativeness.” International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations”:ISSN 2348-7585 (Online) Vol. 5, Issue 2, Month: October 2017 - March 2018, pp: 829-833, Available at:
  26. Gudda, P.  (2017). “The Role of Research Institutions in Product Innovation: Evidence from Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Kisumu Town, Kenya”: International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences (Online), Vol. 6, No. 4 ISSN: 2226-3624 .pp. 146-153.
  27. Gudda, P.  (2017). “Clustering and Product Innovativeness: A Literature Review of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Kenya”: International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences (Online), Vol. 6, No. 4 ISSN: 2226-3624 .pp. 115-145.
  28. Agumba, G.O.,  Kirui, C  &  Gudda, P., (2017). “ Effects of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Retention in Mobile Telecommunication: A Case of Airtel Kenya in Nairobi City County”. International Journal of Novel Research in Marketing Management and Economics Vol. 4, Issue 2, ISSN 2394-7322 pp 53.-55), Month: May- August, Available at:
  29. Agumba, G.O.,  Kirui, C  &  Gudda, P.,. (2017). “Effect of Brand Awareness on Customer Retention in the Mobile Telecommunication Industry in Kenya: A Case of Airtel  Kenya”  International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISSN 2348-7585 (Online) pp: 601-604, April - September Available at:
  30. Gudda, P.  (2017). “The Role of Research Institutions in Product Innovation: Evidence from Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Kisumu Town, Kenya”: International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences (Online), Vol. 6, No. 4 ISSN: 2226-3624 .pp. 146-153.
  31. Gudda, P.  (2017). “Clustering and Product Innovativeness: A Literature Review of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Kenya”: International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences (Online), Vol. 6, No. 4 ISSN: 2226-3624 .pp. 115-145.
  32. Agumba, G.O.,  Kirui, C  &  Gudda, P., (2017). “ Effects of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Retention in Mobile Telecommunication: A Case of Airtel Kenya in Nairobi City County”. International Journal of Novel Research in Marketing Management and Economics Vol. 4, Issue 2, ISSN 2394-7322 pp 53.-55), Month: May- August, Available at:
  33. Agumba, G.O.,  Kirui, C  &  Gudda, P.,. (2017). “Effect of Brand Awareness on Customer Retention in the Mobile Telecommunication Industry in Kenya: A Case of Airtel  Kenya”  International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISSN 2348-7585 (Online) pp: 601-604, April - September Available at:
  34. Gudda, P., Bwisa, H. & Kihoro, J (2014). “Effect of Knowledge Transfer and Spillover on Product Innovativeness: The Case of Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Kenya.”  European Journal of Business and Management. SN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) , Vol.6, No.37,. Pp 162-168
  35. Gudda, P., Bwisa, H. & Kihoro, J (2014). “Effect of Clustering on Product Innovativeness among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Kisumu County, Kenya.”Journal of Marketing & Technology, ISSN 2249-1958,, Vol 4, issue 1 . pp. 35-49.
  1. Gudda, P. (2021), Innovate. Connect. Change. Panelist at the International University of Applied Sciences, Germany 10th August, 2021
  2. Gudda P, Gathuru E, & Gudda K. (2021). Effects of Covid-19 on Supply Chain and Health Care Product In ovations - A paper presented at the 6th International Conference Maasai Mara University Conference: 28th- 30th June, 2021. Kenya, Narok
  3. Koila T, Rianto N, Serem W & Gudda P. (2021). Effects of Covid-19 pandemic on Tourism and Hospitality Operations in Narok County. A paper presented at the 6th International Maasai Mara University Conference: 28th- 30th June, 2021. Kenya, Narok
  4. Wesonga E & Gudda, P. (2021). Covid 19 as a driver in behavioral capital investment. A paper presented at the 6th International Conference Maasai Mara University Conference: 28th- 30th June, 2021. Kenya, Narok
  5. Gudda, P. (2019). Climate Change, Food Security & Agricultural technological Innovation: Paper presented at the 5rd Maasai Mara University Conference, 3rd –6th September, Narok
  6. Gudda, P. (2019). 8 Youth Employment Program Development in Kenya, 18th-21st June, Cairo Egypt.
  7. Gudda, P. (2019). Climate Change, Food Security, and Agricultural Technological Innovations in Kisum County, Kenya at Maasai Mara University, Narok.
  8. Gudda, P.  (2017). “App lying Rogers’ Innovation Constructs on SMEs Products”: Paper presented at  The 3rd  Maasai Mara University Conference, 27th –28th June, Narok
  9. Gudda, P., Bwisa, H. & Kihoro, J (2013). “Effect of Collaboration on Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Product Innovativeness in Kisumu.” (September). Paper presented at The 1st SHRD, JKUAT  Conference, 12 th13th September, Main Campus, Juja-Nairobi pp 471 - 478
  10. Gudda, P., Bwisa, H. & Kihoro, J (2013). “Effect of Clustering, Knowledge Spillover and Product Innovativeness Among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Kisumu County, Kenya.”(September, 2013). Paper presented at The Mount Kenya University Conference, 28th –30thAugust, Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi. pp 26 - 33
  11.  Ngoze, M., Minyancha S.O., & Gudda, P.. (2009) “Promoting Women Entrepreneurship: Special Entrepreneurship Support Programs “USASBE 2009 Proceedings  Page 0305
  12. Gudda, P., Omboto, P. & Odongo, I (2011) “Factors that Affect Utilization of Business Development Services by Micro & Small Enterprises in Kisumu, Kenya.”  A Journal of the Management University of Africa, Kenya.. Vol 5 pp. 157-176. ISSN 2074-4730
  13. Gudda, P & Ngoze, M/ (2011) ‘Sustainable Youth Employment Programmes In Kenya: The Case ofThe Youth Enterprise Development Fund.”Paper at the 7th  International Conference on Business, Management  & Economics  06-08  October 2011, Cesme,Izmir-Turkey
  14., 2011.
  15. Gudda, P.. & Ngoze, M. (2008). “Savings Mobilization among Small Scale Manufacturing Enterprises in Kisumu City.” Small Enterprise Association of Australia & New Zealand (SEAANZ2008) Conference Proceeding/pdf. ISBN 978-0-646-50648-5 pp 166 – 185

Areas of Research Interests

  1. Micro -Finance
  2. Technology, Innovation and Competitiveness
  3. Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development