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Dr. Nasieku

Dr. Charity Nasieku Konana

Senior Lecturer

  • Konana, C & Motochi I. 2021. The Impact of COVID 19 on Environmental Conservation. Conference proceedings of the Maasai Mara University, 6th Annual International Conference, 28th – 30th June 2021.
  • Konana C., Gachene C., Mburu D., Mureithi S., Gicheru Pt., Khalif Z. 2019. Land Use  and Land Cover Change and its Implications on Gully Erosion in Suswa Catchment, Narok County. ANSO-MMU-SAJOREC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, Maasai Mara University
  • David M. Mburu, Alice C. Ruto and Charity N. Konana. 2019. “Causes of Land Degradation in Arid and Semiarid Lands and Community Participation in Land Rehabilitation and Conservation: Case Study of Suswa Hill Catchment, Narok County, Kenya. ANSO-MMU-SAJOREC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, Maasai Mara University
  • 2018. Assessment of the relationship between climate change and conflict management. Conference proceedings of the Maasai Mara University 4th Annual International Conference, September 2018
  • Konana C., Gachene C., Mburu D., Mureithi S., Gicheru Pt., Khalif Z. 2017. Land Use and Land Cover Change and its Implications on Gully Erosion in Suswa Catchment, Narok County. International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology ISSN: 2313-3759 Vol. 4 No. 5.
  • Konana C., Gachene C., Mburu D., Mureithi S., Gicheru Pt., Khalif Z. 2017. Effect of gully erosion on livelihoods in Suswa Catchment, Narok County. International Journal of Current Research. Vol. 9, Issue, 05, pp.51026-51032.
  • Konana C., Gachene C., Mburu D., Mureithi S., Gicheru Pt., Khalif Z. 2017. Drivers of Gully Erosion: Case Study, Narok County, Kenya. International Journal of Social Science and Technology ISSN: 2415-6566 Vol. 2 No. 3; April 2017
  • 23–28 April 2017: Presented a poster titled “Assessing drivers of gully formation using participatory geographic information systems, Suswa, Narok County” in the peer reviewed General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria
  • 1st -4th June 2016: Presented a paper titled “Land Use and Land Cover Changes and their Implications for Gully Erosion, Suswa Catchment, Narok County” at the 2nd peer reviewed ‘National Conference on Sustainable Land Management’ organized by Mainstreaming Sustainable Land Management In Agro-Pastoral Production Systems of Kenya Project, UNDP and GEF, Sentrim Elementaita Lodge
  • Juma F., Shivoga W., Barasa M., Luchidio T. Konana C.2016. Environmental Social Impact Assessment for Prospecting and Extraction of Limestone, Kajiado County. Environmental Impact Assessment Report for Bamburi Cement Limited, Nairobi, Kenya


Research Grant

  • I participated in the writing of a proposal for the National Council for Science and Technology (December 2010) and was successful in getting the research grant for the university. Research title: Mitigating Land Degradation and Food Insecurity in the tobacco-growing region of Southern Nyanza by use of Economically viable and Environmentally Sustainable Soil Fertility Management Options.
  • I am an Associate Expert with National Environmental Management Authority 
  • D.: Dryland Resource Management, University of Nairobi. Thesis title: Drivers and Effects of Gully Erosion on Communities in Suswa Catchment, Narok County, Kenya: A Geospatial Approach. Thesis research funded by SLM/UNDP/GEF
  • Phil: Environmental Planning and Management, Moi University
  • A: Major: Community Development, Minor: Business Administration, Daystar University