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Evance Ouya

Mr. Evance Ouya

Graduate Assistant

  • Environmental Management through Tree Growing for Climate Change Mitigation as a Platform for Public Education and Community Outreach Programme in Narok Country.”
  • “Small Mammals Abundance and Species Richness along a Gradient of Human Disturbance at Mau Forest Complex, Kenya”

Research Areas/Interest:

  • Conservation biology | Ecological restoration Statistics and Modelling


Rufford Foundation-

  • £6000 -“Environmental Management through Tree Growing for Climate Change Mitigation as a Platform for Public Education and Community Outreach Programme in Narok Country.”
  • Dr. Adam Ferguson (Negaunee Collection Manager of Mammals, Field Museum – Chicago) – 8,000 USD- Small Mammals Abundance and Species Richness along a Gradients of Human Disturbance at Mau Forest Complex, Kenya

 Rufford Foundation-

  • £5000 – Establishment of tree a nursery for environmental education and community awareness at selected degraded sites in Narok County, Kenya


  • BSc. Wildlife management, Maasai Mara University (2017)

Brief Bio:

  • I am a highly motivated person who has the desire to give the best in the duties assigned within the stipulated time-frame. My robust analytical and communication skills gives me an advantage in executing my duties as well as getting along with my colleagues. Regardless of the working environment, my diversity allows me to work in any situation. I believe in incorporating these skills to add monumental value in the field of Wildlife, conservation at large, and any other organization I am attached to.