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Dr. Wesley Omwoyo

Dr. W. Nyaigoti Omwoyo

Snr. Lecturer

Publications in Refereed Journals

  • Wesley Nyaigoti Omwoyo, Olunga Sween, Sitienei Kibet, Florence Oloo, Effects of micronutrients on the nutritional status of clonal tea replanted in areas where old tea was uprooted. Journal of Tea Science Research, 2017, Vol.7, No.3, 20-27 
  • Omwoyo, W. N. (2017). Influence of Nitrogenous Fertilizer Rates, Plucking Intervals and Geographical Location of Production on Selected Micronutrient Levels of the Black Tea. Journal of Tea Science Research 2017, Vol.7, No.1, 1-10 
  • Owuor J.J, Oloo F., Ngetich J., Omwoyo W.N., Gathirwa J.W. (2017). Comparison of Freeze and Spray Drying to obtain Primaquine-Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles. MOJ Drug Design Development and Therapy, 1(4): 1-8; 00016. DOI: 10.15406/mojddt.2017.01.00016 
  • Owuor J.J, Oloo F., Omwoyo W.N., Ongas M., Kirimi C., Gathirwa J.W. (2017). Development and Validation of a GC-MS Method for the Quantitation of Nanoformulated Primaquine in Whole Blood and Plasma of Mouse Model, Journal of Nanotoxicology and Nanomedicine, 2 (1); 44-58. 
  • Owuor J.J, Oloo F, Ouma D, Omwoyo W.N, Gathirwa J.W (2017) Optimization and Characterization of Primaquine-Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN) for Liver Schinonticide Targeting by Freeze Drying. MOJ Drug Design, Development and Therapy, 1 (4): 1-10 
  • Nyaigoti Omwoyo, F. Oloo, J. Gathirwa, G. Maroa, B. Ogutu, L. Kalombo, P. Melariri, H. Swai. (2016). The development, characterization and antimalarial efficacy of dihydroartemisinin loaded solid lipid nanoparticles. NanomedicineNanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine. 12, 801-809. 
  • Omwoyo W.N.; Ligawa S., (2016). Influence of Seasons on Selected Water Quality Parameters within the Aquatic Ecosystem in South Nyanza Sugarcane Zone. British Journal of Applied Research, 01(01), 30-34. 
  • Brenda Kwamboka, Wesley Omwoyo, Nathan Oyaro (2016). Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of ZnS nanoparticles. Indian Journal of Nanoscience, 4 (2), 1-6. 
  • Nyaigoti Omwoyo, Mutinda F.Silas, Oyaro Nathan, Florence Oloo (2016). Removal of Chromium and Cadmium Ions from Water Using Graphene Oxide and Sodium Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites, International Journal of Science and Engineering Invention, 2 (7), 54-58.- 
  • Wesley N. Omwoyo, Florence Oloo, Geoffrey M. Maroa, Jeremiah W. Gathirwa (2015). Investigations into manufacturing processes for a liposomal parenteral formulation to solubilize poorly soluble drug substances. Indian Journal of Nanoscience, 4, (1), 1-14. 
  • Enos Wambu, W. Nyaigoti Omwoyo, Teresa Akenga (2015). Excessive Copper (II) and Zinc(II) Levels in Drinkable Water Sources in Areas Along the Lake Victoria Shorelines in Siaya County, Kenya. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, DOI 10.1007/s00128-015-1690-6 
  • Nyaigoti Omwoyo, F. Oloo, J. Gathirwa, B. Ogutu, L. Kalombo, P. Melariri (2014). Preparation, characterization, and optimization of Primaquine loaded solid lipid nanoparticles. International Journal of nanomedicine, 4 (1), 178-197. 
  • BethPurity Makena, Oyaro Nathan, Aloys Osano, W. Nyaigoti Omwoyo (2014). Determination of the Levels of selected Heavy Metals in Medicinal plants from Narok County, Kenya and variations in their levels due to hot water Infusion. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences, 3(12), 5-10. 
  • Nyaigoti Omwoyo, P. Okinda Owuor, David M. Ongeri, David Kamau (2014). Effects of Genotypes in Different Environments on the micronutrient content of black tea. Journal of Tea Science Research, 4, (2), 17-26. 
  • Nyaigoti Omwoyo, P. Okinda Owuor, David M. Ongeri, David M. Kamau (2014). Effect of location of production, plucking intervals and nitrogenous fertilizer rates on the micronutrient content of clonal black teas. International Journal of Tea Science, 10, 2, 25- 33. 
  • Onyango P. Vivian, Oyaro Nathan, Aloys Osano, W. Nyaigoti Omwoyo (2014). Assessment of the physicochemical properties of selected commercial soaps manufactured and sold in Kenya. Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 8 (5), 18- 27. 
  • Nyaigoti Omwoyo, P. Okinda Owuor, David M. Ongeri, David Kamau (2013). Effects of Genotypes in Different tea growing locations in Kenya on some micronutrient content of black tea. International Journal of tea Science, 9, (4), 6- 13. 
  • Nyaigoti Omwoyo, G. Oindo Achieng’ and David Ongeri (2013). Effects of Anthropogenic activities to the levels of copper and lead in Kisumu City soils. Sky Journal of Environmental Science, 2 (6), 62-67. 
  • Nyaigoti Omwoyo, P. Okinda Owuor, David M. K. Ongeri, David Kamau. Bowa O. Kwach, Paul Mboya, Mackie O. Otieno (2013). Survey of Micronutrients levels in East African Black Teas and tea infusions. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences, 2 (1), 42-49 


Books Published

  • Wesley Nyaigoti Omwoyo (2012). Alleviating Hidden Hunger Using Black Tea: Academic Publishing Company, Germany, CD-978-3-659-29954-4. (Available Online At Https://Www.Amazon.Com/Alleviating-Hidden-Hunger-Using-Black/Dp/3659299545 ) 
  • Teaching Manuals Written (I) Physical Chemistry Lecture Notes For First Year Science Students In Universities And Polytechnics. (Ii) Electrochemistry Lecture Notes For Undergraduate Students In Universities. 

Conferences Papers Presented 

  • Wesley Omwoyo, The Potential Of Nanomedicine Drug Delivery System And Its Application In Enhancing Treatment For Tropical Diseases. Presented During The Third Maasai Mara University International Conference, 2017
  • Wesley Omwoyo, Florence Oloo, Geoffrey Mahanga, Jeremiah Gathirwa (2015). Solubilization Of Drug Substances Using Liposomal Nanomeicine. Presented During The Pan-African Chemistry Network Congress Held Between 17th To 19th November 2015 At The University Of Nairobi. 
  • Wesley Omwoyo, Florence Oloo, Dan Akschuti, Harry Tiemessen And Bernd Riebesehl (2014). Investigations Into Manufacturing Processes For A Liposomal Parenteral Formulation To Solubilize Poorly Soluble Drug Substances. Presented At The 7th Conference For Clinical NanomedicineJune 23-25th 2014, Basel, Switzerland. 
  • Wesley Omwoyo, May 2014: The Potential Of Nanomedicine Drug Delivery System And Its Application In Enhancing Treatment For Tropical Diseases. Presented During The 3rd National Science, Technology And Innovation Week Held Between 19th To 23rd May 2014 At The Kenyatta International Conference Centre. 
  • Wesley Omwoyo, Paula Melariri, Florence Oloo, Geoffrey Mahanga, Lonji Kalombo, Bernhards Ogutu, Hulda Swai, Jeremiah Gathirwa. Solid Lipid Nanoparticles Formulation For Improved Efficacy Of Dihydroartemisinin. Presented At The 1st Malaria Conference Held At Strathmore Business School, On The 17-23rd February 2014, Strathmore University, Nairobi-Kenya. 
  • Wesley N. Omwoyo, Paula Melariri, Florence Oloo, Geoffrey M. Mahanga, Lonji Kalombo, Bernhards Ogutu, Hulda Swai (2014). Nanoformulation Of Dihydroartemisinin Into Solid Lipid Nanoparticles For Enhanced Oral Drug Delivery. Presented During The Pan-African Chemistry Network Congress On 30th November To 3rd December 2014 At The United Conventional Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 
  • Wesley Omwoyo, Paula Melariri, Florence Oloo, Geoffrey Mahanga, Lonji Kalombo, Bernhards Ogutu, Hulda Swai (2013). Primaquine Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Characterization, And Optimization. Presented At The 3rd Malaria Conference Held At The International Conventional Center, Pretoria, South Africa, August 26-28th August 2013. 
  • Nyaigoti Omwoyo. Assessment Of The Levels Of Micronutrients In Black Tea From Different Regions Of East Africa And Changes In Their Levels Due To Agronomic Practices. Presented At The Annual Seminar Held At The Te`A Research Foundation Of Kenya On 2nd June 2011 At Kericho. 
  • Nyaigoti Omwoyo, P. Okinda Owuor, David M. K. Ongeri, David Kamau (2011). Assessment Of The Levels Of Essential Elements In The East African Teas And Changes In The Levels Due To Hot Water (Infusion). Presented At The Sixth JKUAT Scientific, Technological And Industrialization Conference Held On 16th To 18th Nov. 2011. 
  • Nyaigoti Omwoyo, P. Okinda Owuor, David M. K. Ongeri, David Kamau. Bowa O. Kwach, Paul Mboya, Mackie O. Otieno (2011). Survey Of Micronutrients Levels In East African Black Teas And Tea Infusions. Presented At The 1st PACN Congress On Agricultural Productivity On 21-23 Nov 2011, In Accra, Ghana. 
  • Solomon Omwoma, W. Nyaigoti Omwoyo, Joseck O. Alwala, David M.K Ongeri, Lagat C. Cylus, Joseph O. Lala (2011). Nutrient Reduction In Runoff Water From Sugarcane Farms By Sedimentation Method. Presented At The 1st PACN Congress On Agricultural Productivity On 21-23 Nov 2011, In Accra, Ghana. 
  • Solomon Omwoma, Wesley N. Omwoyo, Joseph O. Lalah, David M. K. Ongeri, P. Okinda. Owuor. Impact Of Agronomic Inputs In Sugarcane Farming On River Kuywa Surface Water Quality Traversing Sugarcane Zones In Western Kenya. Kabarak University Conference Publication, 2011 Available Online At Kabarakuniversity/Conference2011 
  • Wesley N. Omwoyo (2013). Primaquine Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Characterization, Optimization And Release Studies (2013). Presented At The Malaria Conference Held At The International Conventional Center, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa. 
  • Solomon Omwoma, W. Nyaigoti Omwoyo, Joseck O. Alwala, David M.K Ongeri, Lagat C. Cylus, Joseph O. Lala (2011). Development Of An Effective Method For Reduction Of Pollutants In Runoff Water From Sugarcane Plantation Farms. Presented At The Sixth JKUAT Scientific, Technological And Industrialization Conference Held On 16th To 18th Nov. 2011.
  • Wesley Omwoyo, Florence Oloo, Geoffrey  Mahanga, Jeremiah Gathirwa  (2015). Solubilization Of Drug Substances Using Liposomal Nanomedicine. Presented During The Pan-African Chemistry Network Congress Held Between 17th To 19th November 2015 At The University Of Nairobi.
  • Wesley Omwoyo, Florence Oloo, Dan Akschuti, Harry Tiemessen And Bernd Riebesehl (2014). Investigations Into Manufacturing Processes For A Liposomal Parenteral Formulation To Solubilize Poorly Soluble Drug Substances. Presented At The 7th Conference For Clinical Nanomedicine, June 23-25th 2014, Basel, Switzerland.
  • Wesley Omwoyo, May 2014: The Potential Of Nanomedicine Drug Delivery System And Its Application In Enhancing Treatment For Tropical Diseases. Presented During The 3rd National Science, Technology And Innovation Week Held Between 19th To 23rd May 2014 At The Kenyatta International Conference Centre.
  • Assessment Of The Levels Of Micronutrients In Black Tea From Different Regions Of East Africa And Changes In Their Levels Due To Agronomic Practices. Presented At The Annual Seminar Held At The Te`A Research Foundation Of Kenya On 2nd June 2011 At Kericho.
  • Wesley Omwoyo, Paula Melariri, Florence Oloo, Geoffrey  Mahanga,  Lonji Kalombo, Bernhards Ogutu, Hulda Swai, Jeremiah Gathirwa. Solid Lipid Nanoparticles Formulation For Inproved Efficacy Of Dihydroartemisinin. Presented At The 1st Malaria Conference Held At Strathmore Business School, On The 17-23rd February 2014, Strathmore University, Nairobi-Kenya.
  • Wesley N. Omwoyo, Paula Melariri, Florence  Oloo, Geoffrey  M. Mahanga,  Lonji Kalombo, Bernhards Ogutu, Hulda Swai (2014). Nanoformulation Of Dihydroartemisinin Into Solid Lipid Nanoparticles For Enhanced Oral Drug Delivery. Presented During The Pan-African Chemistry Network Congress On 30th November To 3rd December 2014 At The United Conventional Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  • Wesley Omwoyo, Paula Melariri, Florence Oloo, Geoffrey  Mahanga,  Lonji Kalombo, Bernhards Ogutu, Hulda Swai (2013). Primaquine loaded solid lipid nanoparticles: Sythesis, characterization and optimization. Presented at the 3rd Malaria conference held at the International Conventional Center, Pretoria, South Africa, August 26-28th August 2013.
  • Nyaigoti Omwoyo, P. Okinda Owuor, David M. K. Ongeri, David Kamau (2011). Assessment of the levels of essential elements in the East African teas and changes in the levels due to Hot water (Infusion). Presented at the sixth JKUAT scientific, technological and Industrialization conference held on 16th to 18th Nov. 2011.
  • Nyaigoti Omwoyo, P. Okinda Owuor, David M. K. Ongeri, David Kamau.  Bowa O. Kwach, Paul Mboya, Mackie O. Otieno (2011). Survey of Micronutrients levels in East African Black Teas and tea infusions. Presented at the 1st PACN Congress on Agricultural productivity on 21-23 Nov 2011, in Accra, Ghana.
  • Solomon Omwoma, W. Nyaigoti Omwoyo, Joseck O. Alwala, David M.K Ongeri, Lagat C. Cylus, Joseph O. Lala (2011). Nutrient Reduction in Runoff Water from sugarcane Farms by Sedimentation Method. Presented at the 1st PACN Congress on Agricultural productivity on 21-23 Nov 2011, in Accra, Ghana.
  • Solomon Omwoma, Wesley N. Omwoyo, Joseph O. Lalah, David M. K. Ongeri, P. Okinda.      Owuor. Impact of Agronomic Inputs in Sugarcane Farming on River Kuywa Surface Water Quality Traversing Sugarcane zones in Western Kenya. Kabarak University conference publication, 2011 
  • Wesley N. OmwoyoPrimaquine loaded solid lipid nanoparticles: Synthesis, characterization, optimization and release studies (2013). Presented at the Malaria conference held at the International conventional centre, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa.
  • Solomon Omwoma, W. Nyaigoti Omwoyo, Joseck O. Alwala, David M.K Ongeri, Lagat C. Cylus, Joseph O. Lala (2011). Development of an effective method for reduction of pollutants in Runoff Water from sugarcane plantation Farms. Presented at the sixth JKUAT scientific, technological and Industrialization conference held on 16th to 18th Nov. 2011.

Current Research Interests

Nanotechnology and Health

  • Use of nanotechnology to develop nanocomposites for removal of endocrine disrupting compounds.
  • Application of nanotechnology in the preparation of mosquito repellent fabric.
  • Nanoencapsulation of drugs into selected nanocarriers for improved efficacy.
  • Synthesis, characterization and optimization of nanocomposites for water purification.


Inorganic Chemistry/ Environmental Chemistry

  • Synthesis of ligands for the removal of heavy metals from water.
  • Quantification and speciation of heavy metals in plants, water and sediments.
  • Determination of heavy metals and nutrients in soils, sediments, water and plants: Their effects on   human health and possible remediation.
  • Omwoyo is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, School of Science in Maasai Mara University teaching Inorganic Chemistry courses. He holds obtained a Bachelor of Education Science and a Master of Science in Chemistry from Maseno University. He completed his Ph.D. in Chemistry, studying nanostructured drug delivery systems at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology. His Ph.D. was a sandwich program where he did his laboratory experiments at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria, South Africa and the pre-clinical trials at Kenya Medical Research Institute. He further took an internship at Novartis Pharmaceutical Research Company, Basel, Switzerland which was offered jointly with the University of Basel, Switzerland. He did his postdoctoral fellowship at the Vaal University of Technology where he developed multiple nanocarriers for a combination therapy antimalarial. He equally developed polymer fibers for repelling mosquitos. Dr. Omwoyo is currently a lecturer at Maasai Mara University in Kenya teaching Inorganic and Physical Chemistry courses to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. He is also involved in various research activities, which include but not limited to tea research, application of nanotechnology in medical research, extraction of active compounds from medicinal plants, quantification of endocrine-disrupting compounds and synthesis of nanocomposites for wastewater treatment among other researches. He has published extensively in international peer-reviewed journals and he is a reviewer in several journals. His research experience spans over eight years. He is a member of the Royal Society of Chemists and a fellow of the Next Generation Scientists.
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship (Nano Chemistry) 3rd Oct. 2017- Date, Vaal University of Technology, South Africa. Research Title: Development of multiple nanocarriers for antimalarial combination therapy through single-molecule manipulation and to formulate a polymer fiber with mosquito-repelling behavior.
  • D. in Chemistry (NanoScience) Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology/CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa (Jan 2012 – April 2015) Ph.D. Thesis Title: Preparation, characterization, optimization and pre-clinical evaluation of selected antimalarial drugs encapsulated into different nanocarriers. 
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Nanomedicine (May-Sept 2014)- Next Generation Scientists postgraduate internship program, Novartis Pharma/University of Basel, Switzerland. Research Title: Investigations into manufacturing processes for a liposomal parenteral formulation to solubilize poorly soluble drug substances. 
  • Master of Science in Chemistry (Maseno University 2009- 2011): (Physical/Inorganic Chemistry). Thesis Title: Assessment of the levels of micronutrients and their speciation in black tea from different regions of East Africa and changes in their levels due to varied agronomic practices.


Scientific Awards

  • Fellow, Next Generation Scientist Fellow (FNGS). A postgraduate internship program held at Novartis Pharmaceutical Research Company, pioneer Kenyan young researcher, Basel Switzerland. (Graduated as Next Generation Scientist Fellow 2014 from University of Basel).
  • Member, Royal Society of Chemists (MRSC).