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Dr. Catherine Kifworo

Lecturer - Email:

  • Dr. Catherine Kifworo is a Tourism management Lecturer and researcher whose has an interest in the areas of Domestic tourism, Tourism Product development, Tourism Policy and Community-based tourism. She has published and carried out projects in the said areas. As a researcher at the Global Tourism Resilience and Crisis Management Center, she participated in a project that updated Kenya’s tourism product inventory. She is also a member of the Tourism Professional Association.



  • Kifworo, C., Okello, M., & Mapellu, C. (2020). The influence of travel preferences on domestic tourism participation behaviour in Kenya: An analysis of tourists and non-tourists. International Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Reviews eISSN: 2395-7654, Vol 7, No 1, 2020, pp 40-50
  • Kifworo, C., Okello, M., & Mapellu, C. (2020). The Role of Constraints in Determining Domestic Tourism Participation Behaviour: A Comparison of the Perspectives of Domestic Tourism Participants and Non-Participants. Ottoman Journal of Tourism and Management Research 5(2):643-661. DOI: 10.26465/ojtmr.2018339534
  • Kifworo, C., Okello, M., & Mapelu, I. (2020). Demographic Profiling and Domestic Tourism Participation Behavior in Nairobi County, Kenya. Journal of Tourism Management Research 2020 Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 155-169. ISSN(e): 2313-4178 ISSN(p): 2408-9117 DOI: 10.18488/journal.31.2020.72.155.169
  • 2020- Participated in a research project on “Tourism Product Inventory”; commissioned by the National Tourism Crisis Steering Committee in collaboration with the Global Tourism Resilience and Crisis Management Center, Kenya Tourism Board and the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife.
  • SUS-Tour Project funded by the European Commission 2016- Trained as a trainer of trainers in Community Based Tourism Business Innovation. The training is aimed at building the capacity of communities carrying out projects in tourism.