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Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Penology

Course Structure

Prisons, the world over and in Kenya in particular, are undergoing reforms that are intended to make them less punitive and more rehabilitative. As a consequence it has become critical for penal systems to be run by personnel with professional training in criminology and penology. This program is designed to meet the professional and power needs of the reformed correctional system.

Expected Learning Outcomes of the Programme:

On completion of the Programme, graduates will be equipped to handle the following;

  1. Counselling and rehabilitation matters.
  2. Administration of correction facilities
  3. Conduction of research and dissemination of knowledge on penology and correction issues.

List of Course Per Semester

The courses offered are shown below.

N/B: University-wide common courses are italicized; Programme core courses and required courses are in normal font

Total credit hours


Semester I
Total Credit Hours for this Semester – 21 Hours.

  1. SAS1103 – The Art of writing, 3 – Credit Hours.

  2. CMJ 1100 -Communication Skills, 3 – Credit Hours.

  3. ZOO 1100 – HIV &AIDS & lifestyle diseases, 3 – Credit Hours.

  4. SOC 1105 – Introduction to Social Sciences, 3 – Credit Hours

  5. CRP 1103 – Introduction to Criminology, 3 – Credit Hours

  6. CRP  1104 – Introduction to Penology, 3 – Credit hours

  7. CRP  1105 – Crime Causation, 3 – Credit Hours.

Semester II
Total Credit Hours for this Semester – 21 Hours.

  1. SAS 1204 – Deviation and Rehabilitation, 3 – Credit Hours.

  2. COM 1200 – Computer & Information Literacy, 3 – Credit Hours

  3. MAT1200 – Quantitative Skills, 3 – Credit Hours

  4. REL 1211 – Introduction to Philosophy and Religious Studies, 3 – Credit Hours.

  5. CRP  1206 – Biological Explanation of Criminal Behavior, 3 – Credit Hours

  6. CRP 1207 – Law and Society, 3 – Credit Hours.

  7. CRP  1208 – Introduction to Correction, 3 – Credit Hours.


Semester I
Total Credit Hours for this Semester – 21 Hours.

  1. SAS 2105 – Principles of Communication, 3 – Credit Hours. 

  2. ENS 2100 – Environmental Skills, 3 – Credit Hours.

  3. REL 2100 – Philosophy & Critical thinking, 3 – Credit Hours.

  4. HIS 2109 – Kenya in world history, 3 – Credit Hours.

  5. CRP 2109 – Psychology and criminal behavior, 3 – Credit Hours.

  6. CRP 2110 – Introduction to law in Kenya, 3 – Credit Hours.

  7. CRP 2111 – Criminal Behavior in Kenya, 3 – Credit Hours.

Semester II
Total Credit Hours for this Semester – 21 Hours.

  1. SAS 2206 – Ethnicity, Peace Relations and Nation Building in Kenya, 3 – Credit Hours.

  2. CRP 2212 – Sociology of Criminal Behavior, 3 – Credit Hours.

  3. CRP 2213 – Public Administration, 3 – Credit Hours.

  4. CRP 2214 – Criminal Justice, 3 – Credit Hours.

  5. CRP 2215 – Drug and Substance Abuse, 3 – Credit Hours.

  6. CRP 2216 – Contemporary Moral Issues, 3 – Credit Hours.

  7. CRP 2217 – Gang and Crime, 3 – Credit Hours.


Semester I
Total Credit Hours for this Semester – 24 Hours.

  1. SAS 3107 – Contemporary Gender Issues, 3 – Credit Hours.

  2. PSA 3121 – Nationalism and the African States, 3 – Credit Hours.

  3. STA 3125 – Statistical Methods and Data Analysis, 3 – Credit Hours.

  4. CRP 3118 – Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Crime, 3 – Credit Hours.

  5. CRP 3119 – Criminal Law in Kenya, 3 – Credit Hours.

  6. CRP 3120 – Incarceration and Rehabilitation process, 3 – Credit Hours.

  7. CRP 3121 – Field Attachment, 6 – Credit Hours.

Course Structure

Semester II
Total Credit Hours for this Semester – 24 Hours.

  1. SAS 3208 – Communication and Culture, 3 – Credit Hours.

  2. BBM 3200 – Entrepreneurship & Work Skills, 3 – Credit Hours.

  3. SOC 3230 – Social Economic Change and Development, 3 – Credit Hours.

  4. CRP 3222 – Victimology and Restorative Justice, 3 – Credit Hours.

  5. CRP 3223 – Prison Administration, 3 – Credit Hours.

  6.  CRP 3224 – Research Methods in penology and Correction, 3 – Credit Hours.

  7. CRP 3225 – Professional Crime, 3 – Credit Hours.

  8. CRP 3226 – Theories and Techniques of counselling, 3 – Credit Hours.


Semester I
Total Credit Hours for this Semester – 24 Hours.

  1. SAS 4109 – English for Specific Purposes, 3 – Credit Hours.

  2. CRP 4127 – Gender and Crime, 3 – Credit Hours.

  3. CRP 4128 – Domestic Violence, 3 – Credit Hours.

  4. CRP 4129 – Probation and Parole, 3 – Credit Hours.

  5. CRP 4130 – Community Correction, 3 – Credit Hours.

  6. CRP 4131 – Correctional Counselling, 3 – Credit Hours.

  7. CRP 4132 – Research Project, 6 – Credit Hours. 

Semester II
Total Credit Hours for this Semester – 24 Hours.

  1. AS 4210 – Disaster and Conflict Management, 3 – Credit Hours.

  2. CRP 4233 – Comparative Criminal Justice Systems, 3 – Credit Hours.

  3. CRP 4234 – Policing Strategies, 3 – Credit Hours.

  4. CRP 4235 – Prisons in Kenya, 3 – Credit Hours.

  5. CRP 4236 – Capital Punishment, 3 – Credit Hours.

  6. CRP 4237 – Human Rights and Advocacy, 3 – Credit Hours.

  7. CRP 4238 – Prison Planning and Management, 3 – Credit Hours.

  8. CRP 4239 – Forensic and investigative process, 3 – Credit Hours.

Admission Requirements

Minimum University admission requirements

Eligible applicants in the Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Penology Programme shall meet the following qualifications:


  • Holders of K.C.S.E certificate, grade C+ or its equivalent


  • Holders of K.A.C.E certificates with a minimum of two principals and one subsidiary pass or its equivalent.


  • Holders of a 2 year relevant diploma from an accredited institution which is recognized by the Maasai Mara University senate and CUE or  its equivalent


  • Holders of an advanced relevant diploma from an accredited institution recognized by the University senate and CUE or its equivalent.