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Training, Research and Grants

Maasai Mara University is pleased to announce a PhD scholarship opportunity for a passionate
and committed student interested in halting biodiversity loss in the African Rangelands through
Collective Action at the landscape level.
The scholarship is part of the larger CurveBend project, a 7-year transdisciplinary research
project funded as part of the National Science Agenda (NWA) by the Dutch Research Council
(NWO). The CurveBend consortium consists of 9 research institutes in the Netherlands,
Argentina, Kenya and Tanzania.
The project will study, develop, and support different forms of collective action at the
landscape scale aimed at restoring biodiversity and promoting a nature-positive society.

For more information (Click here)

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education plays a pivotal role in empowering girls by providing them with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities for employment which will facilitate them to break access better job opportunities, and contribute meaningfully to persona, family and societal development breaking gender stereotype which places the Maasai girl as a source of wealth from dowry. STEM will be guided by key pillars which are Collaboration, character building, communication, critical thinking, and creativity. 

  1. Find out the current level of learning engagement and academic performance of Maasai girls in STEM education initiatives through STEM labs AI and
    e-learning support.
  2. Examine the cultural, socio-economic and technological barriers curtailing the Maasai girls’ pursuance of STEM education.
  3. Assess the effectiveness of existing e-learning platforms, STEM labs, AI-driven educational tools and student -teacher factor to support Maasai girls learning of STEM subjects
  4. Analyze the correlation between English language proficiency and the Maasai girls learning of STEM subjects
  5. Investigate the strategies taken to support Massai girls with special needs to take STEM subjects
  6. Conduct capacity building for teachers, students, technocrats, parents and the community members on use of STEM labs, e-learning and AI to support the Maasai girls learning of STEM subjects
  7. Examine study findings on Maasai girls’ uptake of STEM subjects

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Wood Scientist

Involved in intensive research pilot study of developing industrial Hemp wood substitutes such as Hemp particle Boards, Hemp MDF boards and Hemp hard wood.

Involved in the study of bamboo hard wood which he has identified can be combined seamlessly with the Hemp Hurds.

High lighting industrial Hemp’s potential:

  1. Environmental rejuvenation
  2. Significant input into Kenya achieving its 10% minimum forest cover target
  3. Hemp Charcoal briquettes

Industrial Hemp Kenya Virtual Symposium 2022

The Mara river basin (MRB) in Kenya’s rift valley is currently undergoing rapid social, economic and ecological changes driven by rapidly changing demographic, climate and land use. These changes are likely to alter ecological dynamics of biota, soil and water quality in this landscape with concomitant changes on long term sustainability of this fragile arid and semi-arid (ASAL) landscape and its ability to provide ecosystem services and livelihood sources.

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We propose to develop a measure of character for Kenyan youth who live and are educated in a range of contexts, including rural schools, urban schools, and children who are homeless (i.e. “street children”). Our goal is to move beyond the often superficial acknowledgement of context in developmental science, which typically amounts to exploring mean differences using measures created and normed in western cultures.

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The agricultural sector is a leading driver of ecosystem degradation, health externalities, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Agriculture also provides positive benefits such as food for humans, feed for animals, fibres, raw materials, employment and cultural cohesion. Many of the negative and positive impacts are economically invisible, hence unaccounted for in public and private decision-making.

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To undertake an analysis of environmental and agricultural change hotspots in western Kenya for decision-making and climate change policies.

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