“This is a continuity of a long-term effort to green the community. Plans are in place for regular reclamation of Wetlands around including the one at Mashimo which we have official adopted"
In a remarkable display of environmental commitment and community service, the University organised and participated a successful tree-planting day in at Nairagie Enkare Wetlands. This was made possible through collaboration with the local community and partner organizations: ACOPPHE, Ewaso Nyiro South Development Authority (ENSDA) and African Cultural Conservation, Education, Creativity, Innovation and Research (ACCECIR).
The event aimed to enhance green spaces in the community, promote sustainability and combat climate change through tree planting.
Mr. Galfen Omuse, Acting Deputy Registrar, Research, Innovation and Outreach (RIO) led a team from the University . He was accompanied by Marjan Abdala, Research, Innovation and Outreach office and Nickson Magak, Public Relations, Marketing and Linkages.
During the exercise, the University donated indigenous tree seedlings that were planted in two local churches and Olekut Primary School. The locals were privileged to have some seedling planted in their farms.
The pupils were motivated and were able to articulate benefits of trees: cleaner air, reduce soil erosion, and provide shade and beauty to the neighborhood.
The University and staff from partner organization provided expertise and guidance on proper tree-planting techniques, ensuring high survival rates for the newly planted saplings and the importance of preserving the environment.
Speaking at the Baraza, Mr. Omuse emphasized the institution’s dedication to Green cover concept and sustainability. “As a university, we are committed not only to academic excellence but also to making a positive impact on the environment. Today’s tree-planting activity is a small but significant step toward a greener future.”
“This is a continuity of a long-term effort to green the community. Plans are in place for regular reclamation of Wetlands around including the one at Mashimo which we have official adopted , said Mr. Omuse.
Local residents expressed their gratitude for the initiative and expressed their optimism to continue with the relationship. “It’s wonderful to see the University engaging with the community in such a meaningful way. These trees will benefit future generations and I have provided a piece of land for you establish a tree nursery,” said a community elder.

The local community presented a request for seedlings and fencing of the wetland area. The University through Mr. Omuse promised to deliver 2, 000 seedlings on 21st March 2024. The University laid its plan on the Mashimo Wetland rehabilitation. Plans are underway to fence the place, install a water pump, water purification, value addition and other activities. #MMara-U#GreenConcept#EnvironmentConservation